Archive for April, 2021

#RelationshipGoals from the TV Shows I’m Watching Right Now

Friday, April 23rd, 2021

#RelationshipGoals from TV /


#RelationshipGoals from the TV Shows I’m Watching Right Now


From our marriage & parenting contributor, Mary Carver.


When I set out to write this post for you, I made a long list of all the best marriages I’ve seen on television.

Of course, you can probably guess the top couples from tv on my list:

Coach and Tami Taylor from Friday Night Lights

Ben and Leslie from Parks & Recreation

Adam and Kristina from Parenthood

After all, these are the couples on everyone’s #MarriageGoals list!

As I expanded my memory and my list, though, I realized that I’d written this post before!

Yep, that’s right. Over on my blog, you can read all about my favorite TV marriages and why I think they’re great.

So today, I’m going to talk about something else.

Today, I’m thinking about the best relationships in the shows I’ve watched recently—including friendships and family relationships, not just marriages—the ones that give me #RelationshipGoals.


#RelationshipGoals from TV /






Ted Lasso #RelationshipGoals

Ted Lasso and Coach Beard

If you haven’t watched TED LASSO on Apple TV+, stop what you’re doing and watch it right now.

This truly is the show we need in 2020.

It’s a sitcom about an American college football coach hired to coach a professional soccer team in the U.K., and it is the most delightful, heartwarming, hilarious show I’ve watched in years.

One of the best parts of the show is the deep, authentic friendship between Ted, the main character, and his assistant coach, Coach Beard.

The two men have such a complete understanding of one another that they can frequently speak in their version of shorthand, uttering just a few words to get a complicated point across.

They also support each other, completely and unconditionally, and it’s beautiful. 


Psych #RelationshipGoals

Shawn and Gus

Before the new PSYCH movie came out this summer, I rewatched the whole series.

And one thing that struck me this time around was how completely on board Gus was for all of Shawn’s shenanigans.

Sure, their vastly different personalities mean they approach life differently.

But rather than one roping the other into trouble, they really are—for the most part—equal partners in crime (or, crime-solving).

I also appreciated that when Shawn went too far, Gus called him on it.

True friends speak the truth, even when it’s hard or when they normally go along with things.


One Day at a Time #RelationshipGoals

Penelope and Schneider

I actually adore every relationship in the new ONE DAY AT A TIME, but Penelope and Schneider are my favorite.

Over the seasons, they’ve developed such a deep friendship, partly bonding over their personal struggles and hard-earned through some serious conflicts.

Though they come from totally different backgrounds, they have found common ground, and it’s created an affection and a bond they don’t seem to have with anyone else.


Sweet Magnolias #RelationshipGoals

Maddie, Helen, and Dana Sue

The ladies of SWEET MAGNOLIAS have been friends since childhood, and it shows.

They know each other at a level we don’t always see in newer friendships, and that allows them to accept and encourage one another so completely in everything they face.

It also allows them to be honest, but loving, with each other—a gift to any woman living life and navigating decisions in career and relationships like they are!


Holly Hobbie #RelationshipGoals

Holly Hobbie’s Parents

If you haven’t watched HOLLY HOBBIE on Hulu, I do recommend it!

Sure, it’s a show made for and aimed at tweens like my daughters, but I loved it just as much as they did!

And while the show focuses on the children, I couldn’t help but be impressed and inspired by the parents in this show.

The mom is the breadwinner of the Hobbie family, while the dad takes on more of the daily parenting duties—and I am here for that.

They were supportive of one another and presented a [mostly] united front to their kids, and I love the way the show avoided stereotypes of dumb parents or needlessly contentious spouses.


Cobra Kai #RelationshipGoals

Daniel and Amanda LaRusso

I wasn’t sure about this one.

Every single main character of COBRA KAI, the Karate Kid reboot series, seems determined to make the worst decisions possible.

But while I do not love Daniel nearly as much as I did in the 80s, I do love his wife and her refusal to put up with his crap.

When he acts like a child, she rolls her eyes and gently points out a more reasonable approach to parenting, teaching, work, and his relationship with Johnny Lawrence.

And when his feud blows up their life, she draws a hard line to protect her family and restore some sanity.

At the same time, the series shows them working together as an excellent sales team at their car dealership, working through disagreements in a realistic way, and connecting like actual adults who love each other.

It’s the most refreshing part of this show.


Madam Secretary #RelationshipGoals

Elizabeth and Henry McCord

I will never miss an opportunity to shout the praises of MADAM SECRETARY, including the marriage portrayed by the main characters.

Elizabeth and Henry are two high-powered professional in an intense industry (politics!), but never do they neglect care for their relationship and for each other.

Even when they disagree at work or about decisions they must make, they treat one another with respect and genuine affection.

Almost every single episode of this show (which, though it ended last year, I finished watching this year so it counts) finds the McCords in their bedroom, getting ready for the day or unwinding before bed or even in bed together.

Like a normal adult person love story. (I’d like to stop feeling the need to classify fictional characters as “normal adult people,” but let’s be honest: So many TV characters are ridiculous and unrealistic and childish! That can be fun to watch, but I like the normal adult people, too.)


Girl Meets World #RelationshipGoals

Cory and Topanga Matthews

Most of us know Cory and Topanga as childhood sweethearts from BOY MEETS WORLD in the 90s.

I do, too, but I was re-introduced to them when my girls watched the reboot, GIRL MEETS WORLD.

The new show is just as cheesy and “Disney-fied” as the original, but also?

It’s sincere and heartfelt and lovely at times.

And the way grown-up Cory and Topanga appreciate each other as professionals, present a united front as parents, speak kindly to and about each other, joke and tease and play off each other—well, I loved it.


Babysitter Club #RelationshipGoals

The Girls of The Baby-Sitters Club

I mean…could they BE any cuter?

The girls in the new version of THE BABY-SITTERS CLUB aren’t perfect.

They are awkward, they make mistakes, they feel and act insecure and jealous, and they are just as different in personality as Ann M. Martin intended.

But, they are also sweet and kind and normal kids who make the choice to develop these friendships they then rely on and nurture and protect.

It’s adorable and lovely, and those are the kind of friends I want for my girls—and myself!


The Unicorn #RelationshipGoals

Every relationship in The Unicorn

Don’t sleep on this fairly new CBS sitcom.

THE UNICORN is about a friend group of three couples after one of the wives dies.

The way the two couples show their love for both their widowed friend and his late wife is beautiful.

When you think of the phrase, “it takes a village,” this is what you’re probably imagining.

The three families swap carpooling duties and share meals; the kids play together (and sometimes don’t); the married couples encourage their newly single friend to begin dating but balance out their silly advice with true understanding and love.

Again, this is a show (surprisingly) about actual adults, acting like adults.

And the best kind of adults, because they’re just such incredible friends.

To be clear, they’re not perfect and their relationships aren’t conflict-free (that would be a boring show).

But they work through things and come out stronger and more loving in the end, and I think we need more of that.



So, that’s my updated #RelationshipGoals list! Who’s on YOUR list of best TV relationships?

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#RelationshipGoals from TV /


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9 More Ideas for At-Home Dates (That Aren’t Watching a Movie)

Friday, April 2nd, 2021

At Home Date Night Ideas from

Stuck at home, but still looking for some fun ideas for quality time with your spouse? We have some new creative and fun ideas for spending quality time together at home.


From our marriage & parenting contributor, Mary Carver.

Another winter, another season of few—if any—date nights out.

That’s true today because we’re still living through a global pandemic, but any number of circumstances could create this challenge for a couple.

Tight budgets, too many kids at home, kids with special needs who can’t be left in anyone else’s care, illness or injury, or even being exceedingly busy and needing a night at home more than you need another night out.

Whatever the reason that is keeping you at home right now, it doesn’t eliminate the need for connection with our spouses.

As someone who’s written a whole slew of blog posts about dating your spouse, I should have remembered this—but to tell you the truth, I forgot.

And as the world and our lives have grown progressively more chaotic and complicated, and our responses to all that have been as unique as we are (and therefore baffling to the other who’s handling all of it differently), my husband and I have grown distant.

The connection that we rely on to keep our relationship steady has become frayed, to say the least.

And while many factors play into that, our lack of intentional, just-the-two-of-us together time—where we talk about something other than the day-to-day, urgent needs of our family—is one of the main culprits. I can’t change those other factors, but I can get back to planning date nights.

Even if they look a little different than usual.

If you’re looking for creative, non-movie, at-home dates, I’ve got you covered!

9 More Ideas for At-Home Dates (That Aren’t Watching a Movie)


At Home Date Night Ideas from MomAdvice

Game Night

Or puzzles.

Or cards.

Or, hey, if you both like crossword puzzles or adult coloring books, that might work too!

Board games, card games, and puzzles are best, because you’re interacting with one another.

But coloring or completing word puzzles while you sit quietly together might be nice, too—especially if you frequently feel like ships passing in the night or business partners who only discuss the business of parenting and family management.

Taking a break from all that, together, could be a pleasant way to work back into spending time together simply for fun.


Ideas for at Home Dates from

Goals and Budgets

I know.

Sounds romantic, right?

Well, actually, I’m guessing spreadsheets and bulleted lists might put stars in some of your eyes. (I won’t deny I’m a big fan of them myself!)

But my suggestion is to set aside time to make plans for the year but to make sure you order in (or make) some fun food.

Or play fun music.

Whatever the two of you enjoy, incorporate that into your serious planning date and then enjoy dreaming about your future and working together to make those dreams come true.


Ideas for at home dates from

Virtual Escape Room

I wouldn’t normally suggest something on-screen for a date night, but I’ve heard that virtual escape rooms can be a blast. (Depending on what’s safe and open in your community, you also might look into local escape rooms that allow you to be the only participants in your time slot.)


Ideas for At Home Dates from

Try a New Coffee Shop

Now, when I first made this list, my idea was for couples to go into new-to-them coffee shops, buy their favorite drinks, and sit and talk for hours.

Times are different now, but this one still works! Find a new coffee shop, order online or by phone, pick up your drinks curbside, then go park and talk.

With fewer distractions, this date might even be more meaningful.

And, of course, if you can’t both leave home right now, you can order with a food delivery service or have one person pick up your order and bring it home.

The point isn’t the location right now; it’s doing something new and fun with your favorite person.

A variation on this theme would be to try new restaurants the same way.

Support local businesses and find your new favorite dish.

I’m planning to do this with my husband and BBQ restaurants we haven’t tried yet.


At Home Date Night Ideas from MomAdvice

Get Cooking

Try a new recipe together.

My husband and I love watching Diners, Dives, and Drive-Ins—but I’m going to invite him to make something delicious in our house, with me, instead of just salivating over what’s on the screen!


At Home Date Night Ideas from

Bust a Move

This may not be for every couple (to be honest, it’s probably not for my husband and me), but I bet it would be a blast for some of you!

Take an at-home dance lesson. I’ve seen multiple ads for those on Facebook, but I know many local dance studios now provide online lessons as well.

Or, just search YouTube!

And if dancing isn’t your thing, but moving is, you could try a virtual kickboxing class, a yoga video or maybe even an interactive video game.


At Home Date Night Ideas from MomAdvice

Plan (and Eat) a Progressive Dinner

Normally, this would mean getting drinks at one restaurant, then eating appetizers, your main dishes, and dessert at three separate restaurants.

Or, if you do it with a group of friends, you rotate homes for each course.

But, life being what it is right now, a progressive dinner looks like ordering each course from a different place, picking it all up and bringing it home, then enjoying it as leisurely as you want.

Same concept, just a bit different, but still tasty and fun!


At Home Date Night Ideas from MomAdvice

Serve Together

Serving the community might look different when you can’t leave home, but it’s not impossible—and it’s just as rewarding.

Pack care bags for the homeless; make no-sew blankets for the children’s hospital; write letters to patients in nursing homes.

Another idea I’m excited about: my family signed up to cook meals for teens living in a homeless transition home.

Giving back together is so meaningful and so good for your relationship (and the community!).



At Home Date Ideas from MomAdvice

Browse the Bookstore

Well, okay, this is not possible for many of us right now.

But that’s okay!

Look up lists of recommended books (the MomAdvice Book Club is a great place to start!), and take turns looking them up and creating your own reading lists.

And if you or your husband don’t like to read, have a movie marathon. You could make a list of old movies you want to watch together by “browsing” movie lists or IMDb.

You could peruse Pinterest for recipe ideas or scroll through a travel site to dream about vacations you’d like to take.

Whatever you browse, enjoy finding new-to-you treasures, learning more about what interests your spouse, and dreaming about more things to enjoy together in the future.


What do your at-home dates look like?

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DIY Chunky Knit Blanket

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April 2021 Must-Reads

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

April 2021 Must-Reads from

It’s time for another big stack of books. Pick up these 11 incredible reads up today for your upcoming spring break travels.  This carefully curated list includes your next contemporary fiction novel, historical fiction novel, western, mystery, rom-com, and a little bit of satire. Be sure to bookmark today’s post.

A brand new month means a brand new stack of book recommendations.  The best part is that this month was filled with books that might have normally been out of my comfort zone and I couldn’t believe how amazing some of them ended up being.

It is not every day that I pick up a mystery or a western novel for my stack, but it is just what I needed for a great literary escape.

Today, I’ve got ELEVEN great books to talk about that I just know you will love as much as me.

Before we get started, here are a few things in book news that I don’t want you to miss! 


Want to Connect With Me In Our NEW Book Gang Patreon Community?

If you haven’t joined the Patreon community yet, you are in for some fun surprises! This month I am offering fun bookish Zoom backgrounds and the perfect playlist to stay in bed all day with a big stack of books. 

I am so thankful to have so many of you in the MomAdvice Book Club. Not only do I love finding the book deals for you & sharing in our monthly discussions, I’m even more thankful for the community and friendships we have created there.

Why We Need Your Financial Support

COVID-19 has greatly impacted my business, just as it has for many other online creators. Our community will always be free to you, but your financial support can offset some of the numerous administrative expenses that are required to keep up our community.

There is so much that goes into our community and that will always be there for you. I don’t want to bore you with the minutiae of all the things that are required to run our community, but know that they are numerous (web hosting, digital memberships for creation, newsletter services, administrative help, graphic designers, etc..).  The financial support will allow me more time to devote to continue cultivating the kind of community that you want to be part of. 

Please know how much your support means and how much each of you are appreciated in these crazy times! 

What Are the Patreon Benefits For Bookish Friends?

Patreon subscribers will receive a monthly bonus as a thank you for your continued support to keep the book club blossoming.

Not only that, but here’s the scoop on the fun bonuses you will receive, every dang month! 

  • Exclusive Monthly Bookish Newsletter- Get the book reviews TEN DAYS early! The newsletter allows you to print with no ads and no need to click to different pages to get everything you need.
  • A Curated Playlist- To fully embrace each month’s theme, you receive a playlist to listen to, while sipping on coffee and reading the newsletter
  • Monthly Book Printable or Digital Download (I have so many fun things in store for you!!)
  • Quick Monthly Vlog Reviews- Don’t have time to sit down and read the newsletters? I’ll break it down to you in a quick vlog so you know exactly what books to grab on your next library visit.

Sign up here to support my work.

Join Us for Our April MomAdvice Book Club Discussion and Get Your Book Club Shirt Today!

MomAdvice 2021 Book Club Selections snag this month’s incredible book club book

Did you know that I offer a free virtual book club? Be sure to join the MomAdvice Book Club and you will never be without a book again!

You can check out the full list of 2021 MomAdvice Book Club picks over here. 

Don’t forget to send me a friend request over on GoodReads for more great book reviews.

here is what is on sale today- don’t miss it!

Check Our Daily Book Deals List

I try to post a daily book deal list for you to keep your Kindle fully stocked!

Check this list daily here or you can sign up for my daily deal newsletter and I will send them right to your inbox!

Get a FREE Book Just for Being a Prime Member

Did you know Prime members get a read for free every single month? 

Yup, I always try to remind you of this amazing little Prime perk!

Grab YOUR FREE BOOK FOR April over here.

June 2020 Book of the Month

Check out the April Book of the Month Club Selections:

The Hunting Wives by May Cobb

What Comes After by Joann Tompkins

Arsenic & Adobo by Mia P. Manasia

Libertie by Kaitlyn Grenidge

People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry

Now let’s talk about this month’s stack!

April 2021 Must-Reads

April 2021 Must-Reads from

Siri, Who Am I? by Sam Tschida (on sale for $2.99 today!!)

3 Out of 5 Stars

If you loved the movie, “Isn’t it Romantic,” than I have a feeling that you will appreciate having this book in your stack this month.

Mia wakes up from a coma and can’t even remember her own name.

What better way to learn about yourself than your own social media feed to figure out your past memories?

If her pictures are any indication of who she is, she knows that she is very wealthy, has a hot boyfriend, and is the town “it,” girl.

Unfortunately, the projection she may have been putting out in the world may be VASTLY different than what her reality is and the reader gets to go on these adventures of discovery right along with Mia.

This was an entertaining little read, particularly, if you are looking for a light rom-com escape. Tschida does a great job weaving humor and heart into Mia’s story, while also making some great observations about the selfie culture that we have found ourselves in. 

April 2021 Must-Reads from

Perfect Happiness by Kristyn Kusek Lewis

4 Out of 5 Stars

Being a guru of happiness doesn’t sound easy, but what if this is your job AND you are living a deeply unhappy life? That’s the premise that Lewis tackles in her latest novel that addresses how we can find ourselves projecting a very different image than who we are to the world, especially if our social media and brand don’t align with our real life.

 This novel ended up being such a thought-provoking read that explored a lot of issues that so many of us face in these middle-aged years. 

This addressed more than just the exploration of our changing roles as our children get older and our challenges in marriage, but it also did a fantastic job addressing “wine mom,” culture and the slippery slope that can happen when we are looking for ways to numb our reality.

This was a fast page-turner that would be a great one for a book club. 

April 2021 Must-Reads from

All Adults Here by Emma Straub

3 Out of 5 Stars

I love Straub’s novels so I couldn’t wait to add this one to my stack this month. The big theme in this family drama is that our coming-of-age can happen at any point in our life and this pivotal moment seems to be happening throughout all the generations, of one family, at the same time.

The family matriarch has fallen in love with a woman and wants to no longer keep her love story secret, her daughter has decided to start a family via a sperm donor instead of waiting for marriage, and her son is struggling because of the impossible standards he has created for himself.

The story is told through each of the family’s viewpoints as they discover more about themselves through each of their revelations.

This was the kind of enjoyable story that didn’t really have one big lesson, but just explored the quiet dysfunction that seems to happen in all families and how these roles don’t *really* change even when we become adults. 


April 2021 Must-Reads from

Memorial by Bryan Washington

3 Out of 5 Stars

Mike, a Japanese American chef working at a Mexican restaurant, is in love with Benson, a Black daycare teacher. 

Well, they used to be in love, but now they just find themselves living together and are no longer finding the same connection.

In this time of feeling the least connected, Mike must head home, to Osaka, and care for his father. Just as he leaves, his mother comes for a visit and Benson is left to keep her company.

It’s through this time with her that Benson really learns more about Mike, as their relationship struggles along with the distance between them.

I had difficulties connecting with this story although I think this did address some big topics in beautiful ways, like identity and what it means to be family.

Washington did do a beautiful job fleshing out the characters even if I was hoping for more from this story. 


April 2021 Must-Reads from

The Girl With the Louding Voice by Abi Dare

5 Out of 5 Stars

This heartbreaking novel was a Reader Pick this year for our MomAdvice Book Club and it was just beautiful.

Adunni is a fourteen-year-old Nigerian girl who knows that more than anything that she wants an education. Unfortunately, her father is broke and decides to sell her as a third wife to an old man.

Adunni’s life is hard and a difficult one to read about. What is more difficult is knowing that so many girls are like Adunni STILL and that many find themselves in these marriages and working as house girls, with no pay or even adequate food or shelter.

That’s why it’s such a joy when a local woman decides to take Adunni under her wing, helping her apply for a scholarship that could be pivotal to her future.

This was a beautiful read and many readers recommended doing the audiobook since the narration was so gorgeous on this. I loved this novel so much and it made for one incredible book club discussion. 


April 2021 Must-Reads from

Black Buck by Mateo Askaripour 

4 Out of 5 Stars

Full of satire and social commentary, this noel explores the adventures of one black man who becomes a breakout salesman star in a startup com and the consequences that come with success.

When Darren convinces a customer to change his standard coffee order, he could have never expected how it would change his world.

That customer happened to be starting a “therapy matching service,” and thinks Darren would make the perfect recruit for many reasons, including adding diversity to his company.

Success doesn’t come easy for Darren and when it does come, it changes his relationships with others in a lot of negative ways.

Not everyone wants Darren to succeed and the reader gets to go along on the ride as he sabotages himself and as others try to interfere with his success.

I found the first half of this one to be a little stronger than the second, although Askaripour does a fantastic job tying up on the loose ends. The book has a lot of food for thought about how we compromise Black people for our own success.

The best part is that weaved within all the satire are some really incredibly layered lessons about achieving success in business and sales. 


April 2021 Must-Reads from

A Star is Bored by Byron Lane

5 Out of 5 Stars

This is the kind of book that made my face hurt from smiling and that delivered on ALL THE FEELS this month.

Lane was the personal assistant to Carrie Fisher and makes sure to let the reader know right away that this in not a memoir of that time and that all is fiction.

The parallels, of course, are hard to ignore because this story just so happens to be about a personal assistant and the iconic celebrity he comes to work for.

Did I mention that she is famous for her role as Priestess Talara in a sci-fi movie series?

Kathi isn’t an easy person to work for and her eccentricities seem to find a way to consume much of Charlie’s life. Charlie becomes intent on becoming Kathi’s most relied upon person and has to learn to anticipate all of her needs before she even speaks them.

As Charlie finds his own self, he must make harder decisions about how far he is willing to go to keep Kathi happy. This journey to self-discovery is what makes this story so beautiful and sweet.

Readers can also appreciate taking a bit of time to visit the acknowledgements in this one as Lane proposes to Steven Rowley (one of my favorite writers) in the acknowledgements at the end of this book. 

This book was an absolute delight and I, truly, did not want it to end. Thank you for the big goofy grin, Byron Lane! 


Outlawed by Anna North

4 Out of 5 Stars

This feminist Wild West tale hit all the right notes this month weaving a unique and powerful tale that would be perfect for any book club. In this story, ostracized women band together to create their own incredible girl gang, finding love and acceptance within each other.

Set in the late 1800’s, women are expected to carry on their lineage and bear as many children as they can.


That’s their entire goal in life. Women who can’t reproduce are banished from society, disowned by their families, and are often accused of witchcraft.

Ada has been married for a year and is unable to get pregnant.

As the daughter of an expert midwife, Ada knows that achieving this if often more complex than just that and her curious nature leads her to want to learn more.

She’s determined to find out all she can about this topic and the search for the best medical books ends up leading her on an adventure that she would have never been able to discover alone.

What better place to find community than other women who are facing the same fate?

This unlikely sisterhood is found in the, “Hole in the Wall Gang,” a group of women that have banded together to use their talents to create their own community.

These outlaws have to be very creative to survive and the reader gets to go on their adventures with them from robbing banks to surviving those long winters.

This took me right out of my reading rut and I ended up absolutely loving it. The characters are endearing, the message was beautiful, and I loved the author’s focus on women supporting women. 

April 2021 Must-Reads from

Goodnight, Beautiful by Aimee Molloy 

4 Out of 5 Stars

I appreciate a thriller with a good twist and Molloy delivers several in this dark psychological thriller.

Who hasn’t fantasized about hearing the stories told on a therapist’s couch? Sam has no idea that the sessions that he has been doing with is clients are all within hearing distance, thanks to the vents in their home.

Sam is a happily married man, but he is also carrying a lot of secrets in his own personal life.

As he works through these difficulties, a new client shows up that could throw a wrench in their happily ever after.

That is why when Sam disappears, his wife can’t help but to wonder if someone else caught his eye, especially as she begins to uncover his secrets.

Smart twists like the one that Molloy creates in this story had me, truly, guessing from start to finish. If you like your thrillers dark, make to give this one a read this month!


April 2021 Must-Reads from

Finlay Donovan Is Killing It by Elle Cosimano 

5 Out of 5 Stars

Looking for a really great audiobook to indulge in? The narration on this smart murder mystery was just what I needed this month and I just know it is going to be one of your favorite reads too.

A struggling novelist happens to be discussing her next suspense novel with her literary agent. A table over, someone overhears the conversation and mistakes her for the killer that she is supposed to contract out for a murder.

Finlay is a stressed-out single parent who happens to be down on her luck financially.

This opportunity to earn a ton of cash could not have come at a better time AND she *could* consider it research for her next book.

Why shouldn’t she take advantage of this opportunity?

This book is laugh-out-loud funny with incredibly witty dialogue that had me giggling through so many sections.

Finlay’s unlikely accomplice and love interests just add more and more fun to the plot.

Highly entertaining and a joy to read, add this book to your stack today because I just know you will enjoy it as much as me.


April 2021 Must-Reads from

The Falling in Love Montage by Ciara Smyth

5 Out of 5 Stars

Are you a sucker for rom-com movies? As all rom-com lovers know, each movie includes a good, “falling in love,” montage that brings all-the-feels together.

Imagine planning a series of dates around these montages and that, my friends, is the secret sauce to this adorable LGBTQ romance.

Not only did this have a gorgeous little love story, Smyth added a really gorgeous mother-and-daughter story that brings a unique challenge to one of the characters and her ability to love and be loved by those around her.

This YA novel had much more depth than I had expected and I even found myself quite teary-eyed through a few of the scenes.

As a disclaimer, the mother has early onset dementia in this which made it a challenging read. That challenge though is what added so much beauty to the story and made it one of my new favorite YA reads this year. 

April 2021 Must-Reads from