Archive for the ‘The M Challenge’ Category

Amy’s Notebook 10.01.15: Better Mornings M Challenge Syllabus

Thursday, October 1st, 2015

M Challenge Focus on Better Mornings Guide

As a wrap-up of each month’s M Challenge theme, we will be using the last Notebook of the month as a sort of “Cliffs Notes” edition of the challenge – a place where you can find a list of all the articles we’ve published for the challenge, as well as more inspiration and links from the web around the challenge theme. Our hope is that this will be something that you can refer to in the future as well as catch up on in case you’ve missed anything!

September M Challenge: Focus on Better Mornings

Other Links: Better Morning Tips, Recipes & Ideas

Teach Yourself to Be a Morning Person via Man Repeller

Source: Man Repeller


How to teach yourself to be a morning person.

25 good morning habits for a great day.

10 things to do every day before 10 am– you don’t have to be a morning person to benefit from morning rituals.

21 creative ways to become a morning exerciser.

5 steps to a productive morning.

Tips to make waking up easier (especially when you’re not a morning person).

7 things to do tonight for a better tomorrow.

21 life-changing morning hacks.

De-stress school day mornings via Simplify 101

Source: Simplify 101


De-stress your morning with a new evening routine.

How to create a morning routine – a step by step guide with free printables.

30 great packed lunch ideas for kids.

Free printable: “Wake Up & Be Happy”

10 steps to better school mornings.

Overnight cinnamon baked French toast casserole. Make your kids (and you!) happy.

Tips and ideas for making cold lunches easy and cool.

5 five-minute healthy breakfasts.

I hope you enjoyed our M Challenge syllabus notebook, a collection of the Mom Advice articles and gathered links all around the month’s challenge focus. Nothing brings me more joy than to highlight other fabulous bloggers. Follow me on Pinterest for daily inspiration!

Pumpkin Nut Quinoa Breakfast

Wednesday, September 30th, 2015

Perfect for the fall and for our M Challenge Focus on Better Mornings, I’m republishing this easy breakfast of pumpkin flavored quinoa with yummy sugared pecans because it will definitely help get your day off to a great start!

Pumpkin Nut Quinoa BreakfastI can’t think of two ingredients I am loving more than pumpkin and quinoa right now. This recipe is a deliciously satisfying pairing of pumpkin and quinoa together in this Pumpkin Nut Quinoa Breakfast. The best part is the fun topping addition of sugared pecans that make this dish such a standout!

Pumpkin Nut Quinoa Breakfast

Over this past year I have showcased lots of fun recipes to try with quinoa from basic preparation to summer salads to breakfast bowls to stuffed peppers. What you might not know though is that there is another variety of quinoa that you can purchase for your baking and breakfast needs. Quinoa flakes remind me of Cream of Wheat in their texture, but they are packed with loads of protein. They can be found at natural food stores and are often available in both a boxed variety or can be purchased in the bulk section of the store.

Last winter I became addicted to these quinoa flakes for a hot breakfast bowl. I dressed mine up simply with a little stevia, maple syrup, and almond milk, but I wanted to try another spin with this ingredient for the Fall.

Pumpkin Nut Quinoa BreakfastThis recipe for Pumpkin Quinoa can be modified to your own dietary needs. I prepared mine with almond milk, but you can use regular milk too. The nuts are tossed in cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg and a little egg white. They remind me a lot of these Sugar & Spice Nuts that I love to share around the holidays.

If you are vegan, try substituting the egg white with 2-3 tablespoons of water and 1 tablespoon of flax, mixed well, to coat the nuts. For those living gluten-free, no modifications need to be made! It is one of those recipes that is easy to modify for your family!

I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I did. I reheat my leftovers in the microwave and add a little milk to thin them out again. This is a great one to tuck in your fridge for a hot breakfast all week long!

Pumpkin Nut Quinoa Breakfast

Pumpkin Nut Quinoa Breakfast
Recipe Type: Breakfast
Author: Adapted from Deliciously G-Free by Elisabeth Hasselbeck
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 4
A deliciously gluten-free dish that can be enjoyed on Fall mornings. This pumpkin quinoa is packed with protein and has added flavor & texture from the amazing sugared pecans that adorn it.
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch
  • Pinch of Salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1 egg white (see above for vegan substitution)
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup pecan halves
  • 1 3/4 cup water
  • 1 3/4 cup milk (or milk substitute)
  • 1 1/3 cups quinoa flakes
  • 1 cup canned pumpkin
  • 1/4 cup half-and-half (or additional milk substitute)
  • 1/4 cup light brown sugar
  1. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Place the sugar, cinnamon, cornstarch, salt, ground cloves, and ground nutmeg in a plastic bag, seal the bag, and shake to mix.
  3. Pu tthe egg white and vanilla in a bowl, and beat until slightly foamy. Add the pecans and stir to coat them well. Using a slotted spoon, lift the pecans out the bowl and transfer them to the bag of sugar and spices. Shake, making sure the pecans are well coated with the seasoning. Spread the pecans out on the prepared baking sheet, and bake for 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and let them cool on the baking sheet.
  4. Meanwhile, place the water and milk in a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Add the quinoa flakes and reduce the heat to medium. Cook for 5-10 minutes, until the liquid has decreased by half and the mixture is thick.
  5. Combine the pumpkin and the half-and-half (or milk substitute) in a small bowl and whisk until smooth. Swirl the pumpkin into the quinoa and sprinkle with the brown sugar. Divide among four bowls, sprinkle with nuts, and serve immediately.

Source: Deliciously G-Free (affliliate)

Looking for more things to do with the rest of the can of pumpkin? Be sure to check out these 11 pumpkin recipe ideas for your Fall cooking!


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M Challenge Mornings Morphosis: Set An Alarm or Not?

Wednesday, September 30th, 2015

As part of our M Challenge Focus on Better Mornings, I asked Mandi Ehman of Life Your Way to share how she is tackling her mornings – and I think her answer will surprise you!

Move towards better mornings with an alarm clock - or without

Confession: I am a firm believer in the value of getting up early, getting your day started before your kids wake up, and taking control of your day. So it might surprise you to hear that I no longer set an alarm 99% of the time.

The reason is simple: While I highly value and need those morning hours to myself, I also know that I need enough sleep or I’m grumpy, impatient and unproductive.

I also know that there’s nothing worse than getting woken up in the wrong part of your sleep cycle.

When I set an alarm, I inevitably get woken up right in the middle of my REM cycle, and my alarm has no idea whether the baby was up 17 times, I suffered with insomnia, or my body just happens to need more rest on any given morning. (And changing the alarm in the middle of the night involves turning on my iPhone screen—since we don’t use a regular alarm clock in our room—which inevitably gives me insomnia because of the bright, artificial light!)

Letting myself wake up naturally means I wake up during the best part of my sleep cycle—usually as soon as it starts to get light out these days—and I’m less groggy. Sometimes it means I sleep a couple extra hours in the morning, but I’m willing to trust that my body knows best on those days!

Obviously this approach isn’t for everyone, and if you’re a natural night owl, have early morning commitments or school buses to catch, an alarm is probably a safe bet.

I’m considering an alarm like ZenAwake or Progressive Alarm Clock that wakes you up with gentle, progressively louder sounds so that your body isn’t jarred out of sleep like with a traditional alarm for those fall and winter mornings when the sun isn’t there to help me get up.

These days, getting enough sleep is a high priority for me even when the to-do list is full, and an alarm clock just isn’t smart enough to know when I really need to get up and when I need to sleep, so—for now—I’m skipping it.

Are you an early bird or a night owl? Do you wake up to an alarm?

3 Ways to Take the Hassle Out of Packing School Lunches {& Free Printable!}

Tuesday, September 29th, 2015

This is a post from our diy/craft contributor, MJ.

Mom Advice lunch time printable- free download!

For the first time ever, I’m packing lunches for three kids – which means three drinks, three sandwiches, three treats, and three sets of complaints! Like any parent, I strive to pack healthy and tasty meals that the kids can enjoy in the middle of their days, but oftentimes my best attempts fall short of their hopeful stomachs.

So now that our trial and error efforts have failed, and I’ve talked it over with my children, we’re proud to recommend these three ideas that have helped turn our lunchtime fails into lunches that leave only the crumbs behind.

1. Ask your children what they want and give them the tools to make good decisions.

Before we head upstairs for bedtime, I ask each child what they’d like for lunch. Sometimes we have what they want, sometimes they ask for food they shouldn’t have, and sometimes they have NO ideas. To avoid the headache, I created this Lunchbox Helper!


Lunch box helper printable

Food choices are separated (roughly) by food groups, and my children are able to make smart choices for themselves (eg: see that fruits and vegetables should be a part of every meal!). It’s also come in very handy for grocery prep. My children can add their own ideas to the sheet and mark off what they’d like to pack for lunches and snacks, and we can know in advance what we need to have in our pantry!

3 Ways to Take the Hassle our of School Lunches

2. Organize ingredients in a place they can pack for themselves!

Lunchbox Helper lets your children see and select what they want to eat, but let’s take it to the next level and have them pack their own meals. In our home, we have all the good stuff on the lower shelves where small hands can reach exactly what they need. In the pantry and in the refrigerator, all the fruits, veggies, grains and goodies are at child height.

I love how Amy organized her space so that an entire lunch can be gathered up from the space of a few drawers. No confusion means less work and less hassle for everyone!

School Lunch Ideas

3. No matter how the food tastes, send them off with your love notes.

When my oldest started in full-day Kindergarten, I sent her off with a note in her lunchbox. As she mentioned that she sometimes didn’t know what to talk about at the lunch table, I started adding a joke to those notes. Over the years, these evolved into illustrated notes with the drawing sometimes being much funnier than the corny joke!

Through a wonderful partnership with The Land of Nod, my illustrated jokes are now reaching hundreds of lunchboxes! Just a few months ago, my Lunchtime LOL Notes went on sale as a full pack of 180 jokes for every day of the school year. It’s been such a treat to hear how parents and children alike are enjoying these notes and turning any menu into a time for giggles.


I’d love to hear your ideas! What works for packing lunches in your family? Any great foods to suggest?


A Night Owl’s Tips for Better Mornings

Thursday, September 17th, 2015

From our marriage & parenting contributor, Mary Carver.

Night Owl's Tips for Better Mornings

I set my alarm for 6:30 this morning. But when I realized I was putting away my book at 1:30, I decided I’d better turn it off. Luckily (and not commonly) my girls slept past 8:00 – which meant I didn’t get the early start on my day I’d hoped for and needed. I didn’t get that email sent or the laundry changed or – I’m the saddest about this one – the shower taken.

No, instead it was another morning full of chaos and rushing around, shouting at one daughter to brush her teeth and make up her bed now, now, now then frantically rustling through the fridge and pantry to find something to pack in the other one’s lunch. I got my contacts in but no makeup on and just enough deodorant to [hopefully] prolong anyone noticing my lack of shower. And the house? Well, it was a victim of one more hectic and hurried morning, with papers covering the table and dishes filling the sink.

Don’t even ask me about the laundry.

I’m not a morning person, you guys. Like, AT ALL. When I was a little girl, my dad worked the evening shift so I stayed up very late with my mom. You know, watching M*A*S*H and Barney Miller and Taxi, like most three-year-olds? It made sense for my family and I only blame my parents for my night owl ways in jest. Really, it’s just how I’m wired and what I prefer. Nights are my favorites; mornings are the worst.

But I can’t argue with science. And evidence. And facts or whatever. [Yes. This is how immature and disgruntled I am when discussing the benefits of early mornings. I’m not even going to try hiding it!] Studies have shown (and early birds have bragged) that people who get up early are more successful. Studies have probably shown that they’re happier and thinner and more organized and always send their Christmas cards on time, too. I’m not sure about that part; it just seems like something morning people would say.

Sigh. I can joke all I want, but the truth remains that mornings are made for productivity and sanity and a life that runs smoother than what I experienced this morning (and so many others). And it’s with these frustrating facts in mind that despite my night owl ways, I am constantly trying to get up earlier.

I’ve told you all this because I don’t want to make it seem like I have it all together, like I’m some sort of morning expert (ha!), like my mornings actually couldn’t GET any better. That is the opposite of the truth. So if you are longing for better mornings in your life and your house, you’re not alone. I’m with you, and here are some things I’ve tried in the past and plan to try in the near future.

(I mean, probably not tomorrow morning because I’m writing this post late at night. But maybe the day after that?)


A Night Owl’s Tips for Better Mornings

For Getting to Bed Earlier:

  • Stop reading mid-chapter. If you are a late-night reader like me, this tip from Modern Mrs. Darcy is crucial. Don’t fall prey to the wily ways of authors. They make those chapter endings cliffhangers on purpose, friends! They want you to stay up all night reading! They do not want you to be presentable or coherent in the morning. So foil them and your night owl-ness by stopping in the middle of a chapter.
  • Wind down with mundane tasks (fold laundry, empty the dishwasher, balance your checkbook). I seem to get a second wind right before bedtime, when I realize the clock isn’t kidding about how late it’s gotten. Which might be great for getting a few more things accomplished before falling into bed…but isn’t so great for turning off my brain and falling asleep. So I save the harder tasks that require more brainpower for earlier in the day.
  • Keep a notebook by bed. In case your brain still won’t turn off. Or in case your best ideas show up at the worst times.

For Making the Most of Your Mornings:

Sure, sure, get up earlier. Maybe try baby steps and set your alarm just a few minutes earlier each day. But in case getting up earlier is as hard for you as it is for me, here are a few ideas for milking the minutes before the day starts, few as they may be.

  • Work in advance. Make lunches, choose outfits, pack bags and find paperwork before you even go to bed.
  • Exercise at night. (Unless it keeps you awake and then never mind.)
  • Shower at night. (Same exception as above.)
  • Fix breakfast before you need it. Take an hour or so each week to make a batch of breakfast muffins or casserole – or smoothies (my most recent obsession).

For Making the Start a Little Less Painful:

  • Don’t check your email. Or Facebook or Twitter or whatever it is you look at when you grab it as you roll out of bed. Don’t do that. (I’m talking to myself, if you hadn’t guessed!)
  • Keep the TV off. Or turn it on. Whatever works for you – but make sure you’ve thought about what actually works for you (as opposed to simply turning it on out of habit). (Then again, if your toddler wakes up saying, “Poopy! Dressed! Mommy! DANIEL!” then you might have to find an episode of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood no matter your preferences…)
  • Give a hug. More than one of my friends swears by The Hugging Method. Okay, fine, I don’t know if it’s actually called that, but they start their kids’ days with a 10-second hug. For their families, it makes a world of difference in how they all approach the start of a new day. One of these days my grumpy morning self is going to give this a try.
  • Get a drink. I’m one of those weirdos who doesn’t love coffee. (I know. I KNOW this might be why I am so bad at mornings. I know!) But I do know that drinking a big glass of cold water goes a long way toward waking me up and shaking off the groggy haze of I Stayed Up Too Late Again.

So, tell me: am I alone in being a night owl who struggles with mornings? How do YOU create better mornings?


Photos by Henrique Simplicio and Alex via Flickr’s Creative Commons.


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Berry Quinoa Parfait

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015


Berry Quinoa Parfait from

Quinoa is such a perfect, protein-rich way to start your mornings, I just knew I’d need to share this Berry Quinoa Parfait with you again as a part of our M Challenge Focus on Better Mornings. I know that when you start the day with one of these delicious parfaits, it really will be better!


I love berries and today I am showing off a delicious gluten-free Berry Quinoa Parfait that you can enjoy in any season with fresh or frozen berries.

Since going gluten-free, I have learned that the key to beating hunger pains (without eating gluten-free junk food) is a protein packed meal or snack.

Quinoa is one of my favorite foods whether it is just cooked as a basic, in a yummy Greek Quinoa Salad, in my favorite Lemony Spinach & Tomato Quinoa Salad, in my Quinoa Berry Bowl, or even using those quinoa flakes in my Pumpkin Nut Quinoa Breakfast.

Combining the protein power of quinoa with the protein power of Greek yogurt makes this healthy treat more filling. 

Did you know that a typical 6-ounce serving of Greek yogurt contains 15 to 20 grams of protein?

That is approximately the equivalent of two to three ounces of lean meat.  

Just as a reference, one cup of cooked quinoa (185 g) contains 8.14 grams of protein, which means the quinoa paired with the Greek yogurt definitely will help you feel fuller longer. 

Not to be outdone, berries have many health benefits, but the biggest health benefit is the antioxidants that they have which help you fight off illnesses. 

Berries are filled with potent antioxidants that can help with arthritis, age-related memory loss, and cataracts and other eyesight problems.

They also are said to assist with weight-loss because they are filled with so much water. 

A sprinkle of toasted slivered almonds adds the perfect finishing touch since almonds are a great source of vitamin E, copper, magnesium, and (as if you needed more!) they are another great protein source.


Berry Quinoa Parfait from


If you haven’t tried quinoa in a sweet dish, it is just as delicious and satisfying as it is in a savory dish. It reminds me a little of one of my favorite dishes… rice pudding.  

To add to its sweetness, I cooked it in a little vanilla and with a little dash of cinnamon.

Make sure that you allow the quinoa to cool before adding it to the yogurt.

Once you have made your assembly line of treats, wrap each one in plastic wrap and pop it in the fridge for a healthy snack after your workout or as a healthy dessert with your family.


Berry Quinoa Parfait from

Berry Quinoa Parfait
Author: Amy Clark
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: 2
A gluten-free protein-packed parfait that is both healthy and satisfying. Try this fun new idea to enjoy your fresh berries this summer.
  • 1/2 cup quinoa
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 cup greek yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1 cup (or more) of your favorite berries, fresh or frozen (I love blueberries & strawberries)
  • 2 tablespoons sliced almonds, lightly toasted
  • Mint leaves (optional)
  1. Use my directions for cooking quinoa as a basic (linked to above) or follow package directions adding the vanilla and cinnamon to your water. Allow to cool.
  2. Mix the greek yogurt and honey together in a small bowl.
  3. Using a spoon add a ⅓ of the yogurt mixture into your glass.
  4. Top with ⅓ of sliced strawberries and blueberries then add ⅓ of the quinoa. Sprinkle with toasted almonds.
  5. Repeat with the remaining yogurt, berries, quinoa and almonds until you have three layers.
  6. Finish with your mint leaves.

Looking for more great berry ideas? Check out these:


Freshly Baked Strawberry Doughnuts

 Baked Strawberry Donuts


Blueberry Sangria Lemonade

my Blueberry Sangria Lemonade


Blueberry Recipes

these 8 unique blueberry recipe ideas


Freezing Berries

 a guide to freezing your berries this year!


Happy berry-eating!


Berry Quinoa Parfait from

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Maximize Your Morning Hours

Monday, September 14th, 2015

Maximize Your Morning Hours from

I was forced into being a morning person thanks to my kids. In my younger days, I would stay up late watching mindless television, and would sleep in until the last possible moment. There is nothing like an early bus schedule to take a girl out of her cushy routines, is there? Although I never desired to be a morning person, it’s incredible how much better I feel and how productive I can be with those extra morning hours. I am actually pretty thankful that early mornings are now a part of my routine and I even try to maintain the schedule as best as I can during the summer months.

Here is what I know…

If I can become a morning person, ANYONE can!

Today I wanted to share a few tricks that have helped me in creating an ideal morning for my family and I’d love to chat with you about your ideas too! 

Utilize Your Evening Hours to Get a Good Start

Getting up earlier can mean that I am a little less productive in the evening since I am usually pretty worn down after a full day! I try to make a couple of things top priority though to help save my sanity in the morning. The first is that I always set my coffeemaker the night before and program it for my morning brew (this is the inexpensive pot that I use now), I always make sure that the dishes are done and that the dishwasher is run, I always try to get all the paperwork signed and in the backpacks, and I always try to lay out my gym clothes the night before so I can hit the gym first thing in the morning!

These small habits in the evening help us start on good footing the next morning.

Set a Million Alarms

I have a hard time staying on track with the multiple schedules going on during our mornings. Maybe that is just me?  I set an alarm on my phone to make sure each kid is up and then I set an alarm 5-10 minutes before we have to head out the door to have them get their shoes on and grab their gear. Although it doesn’t apply to my morning routines, I set alarms to remind myself when I need to head out the door to the gym, when the buses are returning, and even an alarm to remind me that I can take a break for the day from work and read for an hour.

My poor cat is so annoyed by my alarm system that she cries every single time one goes off.

I won’t lie.

I sometimes want to cry too. I love the reminder though to keep things on track so we don’t miss our morning buses or oversleep!

Maximize Your Morning Hours from

Turn Off the Distractors

I know everyone struggles with getting distracted and the quickest way for my morning to get off track is to turn on my phone or computer. I decided to add the Facebook Kills News Feed extension to help me not cheat and peek at Facebook during the day when I need to be productive.

I also make deals with myself about when I am allowed to peek at my phone. Each day the deal is something that I need to accomplish from household chores to an article for a client to finishing a book. Once I fulfill that daily contract with myself, I can cruise the FB newsfeed and catch up on all I am missing out on.

Email also has been of my biggest distractors so now I check it once in the morning, once midday, and once before the kids get home from school. I noticed that each time my phone made a ding, I ran to it like my cat when I shake the treat bag at her. It lead to lots of interruptions, a half-present mom, and a lot of anxiety when I wasn’t dealing with whatever I had opened. If I can’t sit down at my desk and deal with it with a proper response, I just don’t open it! Not only has it made my mornings smoother, but it has made my entire life run more smoothly.

Maximize Your Morning Hours from

Make the Morning Household Chores Bearable

I am big on maximizing my time and I know that you are too. I have discovered that podcasts and audiobooks make wonderful companions in the morning while I am getting things done around the house. Three of my favorite podcasts right now for making the most of my mornings are the The Lively Show, Magic Lessons, & Elise Gets Crafty. Thanks to the Overcast app that I downloaded, I also am listening to them at a quicker speed which helps me consume a little bit more while I am tackling that laundry and tidying the house. Not only am I proud that I am being productive in my home, but I’m learning so much about living with intention in the process.

Maximize Your Morning Hours from

Make Room For You

I may be one of the rare ones in the world because I rarely feel guilty about making time for myself. I know when I can fill my cup up, I have more to give to everyone else. I am not sure if that is because I have such a supportive spouse who has always encouraged that or if I just have always been thinking about myself. Oh, who are we kidding? It’s probably both! My ideal morning involves a good Bible study on She Reads Truth, a cup of HOT coffee, a little journaling (right now I am doing this journal with my husband) and then I head to the gym where I do classes I really love and that make me happy.

Our mornings aren’t always perfect, but starting with good intentions, smart planning, and a little self-care reward help me start my day on the right foot!

Do you have any tips or tricks for a great morning routine? I’d love to hear them as we explore this topic this month in our m challenge series!

*this post contains affiliate links. I only recommend what I love!


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Minimize Morning Stress With an Organized Command Center

Thursday, September 10th, 2015

Minimize morning stress with an organized command center

When we created our small space entry DIY command center, my goals at the time were simple: create a space for the kids backpacks and keep their school paperwork off our counters, as well as have a place for basic entry items (space for keys, glasses, etc.). It ended up working great for the space as well as our family AND gave an added bonus:

It has minimized our whole family’s weekday morning stress levels and has helped our morning routines run a lot more smoothly!

Use any space to organize for better mornings!

As I shared, we started with a simple corner in our living room right around the corner from our front door that was a place we naturally dropped our things anyway – that’s the best place to start, right? Figure out what’s already working and then make it work better. And prettier, of course.

Mirrored coat rack

We added a functional and decorative mirrored coat rack, perfect for tying on a scarf before heading out the door as well as holding coats and small purses. We also moved a seldom used storage ottoman here to hold the backpack and briefcase clutter and finished off the mirror area with a large basket  for storing our magazines and umbrellas.


To catch the school paper clutter that always seems to be on the brink of becoming out of control, we use an upright file folder organizer and colorful file folders for organizing the whole family. It has become one of the best things to keep the morning stress level down!

Set Up a File System to Minimize Morning Stress:

1. The kids each now have an IN and OUT folder. If they need something signed, they put it in the IN folder for me for signatures and I give it back to them by putting those items in the OUT folder, that they can check before they leave for school.

2. Special memorabilia that is worth saving still resides in their decorative boxes in their rooms.

3. Mom and dad each have their own files for paperwork that needs to be dealt with before filing or recycling.

4. Taxes has a file for receipts and other items that tend to pile up waiting to be filed.

5. There’s a general “kids” file for any items that we need to take care of (things we want to file, or waiting for a meeting, etc.)


The other thing we added that has helped with our morning routines, almost eliminating the last-minute-trying-to-get-out-the-door search for ________ (fill in the blank: keys, watch, glasses, etc.), is a long, narrow compartment organizer for keys, sunglasses, and other things rests on this half moon table for easy finding and grabbing in the morning. Best. Thing. Ever.

Another crucial element to our daily routine is found above the table: our family calendar. We can keep track of important events at school, doctor’s appointments, business travel, and more – the calendar is usually filled to the brim!


I also love using our family management binder in this command center, especially to check out the menu before we head out the door to know if there is something I need to pick up at the store. (Oh, and we’ve recently revised the cover so that it now comes undated so that it can be customized by you – I love this binder and hope you do, too!)

If you don’t have your own family binder copy yet, grab one by using the handy form in our sidebar to sign up for our weekly newsletter – a recap of all the happenings for the week and will make sure you never miss a post. Then you’ll be eligible for this and other free printables we offer ONLY to our VIP subscribers.

I had hoped our small family command center would help our mornings run smoother, of course, but it wasn’t one of our main goals, just a happy bonus, and has continued to renew our commitment to living small. Even if you have a small home, you can make any space a functional space for your family!

How do you minimize morning stress?

M Challenge: Focus On Better Mornings

Monday, September 7th, 2015


September is in full swing and this month we will be focusing on better mornings in our m challenge series. I am so excited to talk about this with you because I am a former morning person hater (yes, HATER!) and now I am one of those annoying people that pops out of bed and is ready to grab the bull by the horns and just tackle my day. This transition was forced by motherhood, but even in the summer months, I maintain my morning schedule and routines because I just feel so much better if I am on a good routine.

This month I am sharing how I maximize my mornings and we will be sharing many great breakfast recipes you can share with your family at the kitchen table. I also have a few other guest posts in the works for you so be sure to follow along!

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

Our book this month will be, The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. I have heard so many good things about this book and it has such excellent reviews that I am REALLY excited to dive in and plan to purchase this one on audiobook so I can be doing my morning thing and learn in the process! I hope you will join me for this selection too and learn how you can maximize those morning hours!

I am excited to see this month’s topic on better mornings unfold!

Amy’s Notebook 09.03.15: M Challenge Meal Planning Syllabus

Thursday, September 3rd, 2015

M Challenge Focus on Meal Planning Guide a notebook full of tips, tricks & recipe links

As a wrap-up of each month’s M Challenge theme, we will be using the last Notebook of the month as a sort of “Cliffs Notes” edition of the challenge – a place where you can find a list of all the articles we’ve published for the challenge, as well as more inspiration and links from the web around the challenge theme. Our hope is that this will be something that you can refer to in the future as well as catch up on in case you’ve missed anything!

August M Challenge: Focus on Meal Planning

Other Links for Meal Planning Tips, Recipes & Ideas

How & Why to Meal Prep via Thirty Handmade Days

Source: Thirty Handmade Days


Meal Planning Tips & Ideas:

Why, what and how-to’s for meal prep with 100 tips, tricks, recipes.

How to menu “plan” when you don’t really like to meal plan.

Colorful free weekly menu plan with shop list and daily serving checklist.

An easy monthly meal planning idea.

Menu planning tricks for times when you get stuck.

Set yourself up for success with this beginner’s guide to meal planning.

DIY recipe organization & meal planning binder.

Free money saving weekly meal plans with recipes & grocery lists.

6 meal planning methods.

Cheap & Healthy Recipes via Growing Slower

Source: Growing Slower


Recipes for Meal Planning:

Eat healthy and save money with these 35 recipes to inspire your meal planning.

10 Sunday food prep ideas for busy weeks.

15 grab ‘n go breakfast ideas that are freezer friendly.

60 meatless meal ideas.

10 make ahead lunches meal plan with tips for packing lunches.

100 low budget meals anyone will love.

A list of foods that freeze well.

How to prep a week’s worth of meals to stay on track with your plan & your budget.

30 freezer meal ideas for busy moms.

13 main dish recipes with 3 ingredients.


I hope you enjoyed our notebook, a collection of gathered links to DIY crafts, food projects, thrifty ways to spruce up your home, and thoughtful reads. Nothing brings me more joy than to highlight other fabulous bloggers. Follow me on Pinterest for daily inspiration!

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