How to Use the Storygraph App For a Better Reading Life

March 11th, 2022
How to Use the StoryGraph App For a Better Reading Life from

The Storygraph app picks books based on your mood? This tutorial will teach you how to use this user-friendly reading app to get personalized book recommendations!

Nadia Odunayo
Nadia Odunayo

This week I had the pleasure of sitting down with the CEO and Founder of The Storygraph, Nadia Odunayo, on my podcast (MomAdvice Book Gang). 

Our partnered bookshop, Fables Books, had started a reading challenge, and we planned to work through their challenge with our listeners. The problem was that I didn’t know anything about the app, and I had a feeling that I couldn’t be the only one. 

As a new user, I wanted to document my year with the app and thought, who better to explain this than Nadia? 

You can listen to the show (read the show notes) on the embedded player or follow along in today’s tutorial that includes some of my favorite excerpts from our discussion.

How to Use the StoryGraph App For a Better Reading Life from

How to Use the Storygraph App

What is Storygraph?

This reading app offers personalized recommendations with simple tracking and insightful stats. The thing that sets this app apart from its competitor is that it can offer suggestions based on your mood through machine learning AI.

The real question for many of us (including myself) is the most significant difference between GoodReads vs. Storygraph?

According to Nadia…A LOT.

Nadia said, “There are a lot of differences between our app and Goodreads, and I think it does come from a place of rather than me starting from I’m going to build a different Goodreads. It was, what do readers want and need?

You have this dashboard where we show you everything from the moods of the books you’ve read, the pace, the book size, most read authors, pages, and books read throughout the year.

So there’s a graph where you can see each month, how many books and pages did you read? But also, within a month, you can see each day how many pages you read.

So there’s a lot more detail within the tracking and the analytics that you can get just in the stats dashboard already.

Even when you come on board, even when you just import your Goodreads, I think you get to see your reading history in a completely different way to how you’ve never seen it before.”

How to Use the StoryGraph App For a Better Reading Life from

How To Import GoodReads to StoryGraph?

If you are scared to import your data, Nadia offers this assurance. 

“We always say, import your Goodreads data, have a look at the stats, and then click around a bit. If you don’t like it in three clicks about, you can delete all of your account, all of your data, and that’s it. It doesn’t affect your Goodreads account.”

How to Use the StoryGraph App For a Better Reading Life from

Under Manage Account: 

Step 1- Visit the Import/Export Page on Goodreads and Click the Export Library Button

Step 2- Upload (or drag and drop) the file you downloaded in Step 1.

Step 3- Kick off the import by clicking the button, and you will receive an email once your import is complete. 

Personally, I was surprised how quickly this processed all my data! Even as a seasoned GoodReads user, this took just a few minutes! 

How to Use the StoryGraph App For a Better Reading Life from

How Can StoryGraph Personalize Your Reading?

The differences aren’t just in reading a book based on your current mood. You can also discover curated reading lists of book discoveries based on your other reading preferences.

Nadia shared, “We give you space to tell us what you’re interested in. So not only can you tell us your favorite genres and characteristics you like in a book, whether it’s strong world-building or good quality writing, there’s also a free text box where you can say, I want to read about found family or enemies to lovers, whatever kind of tropes you like, whatever themes you like.

So maybe you want to learn about a particular part of history or a particular country. You can put that stuff in there, and we will serve the best books for you.”

How to Use the StoryGraph App For a Better Reading Life from
where to locate a buddy read option on the app

How Do You Do A Buddy Read on Storygraph?

If you have always wanted to do a Buddy Read, this app can help you and its intelligent design capabilities.

First, it is essential to note you do need to change your settings to participate in a buddy read.

Nadia shared, “Buddy Reads is something where the default for everybody is “nobody.” You can go in there and toggle it to where friends can invite me or the people I’m following can invite me, or anybody can invite me. You can toggle it to that.”


The app is designed with a user’s privacy in mind. So, for example, you get to decide who can invite you to a buddy read.

To change this, go into Preferences and update the Community section with your preferred privacy settings.

How to Use the StoryGraph App For a Better Reading Life from

Let’s try a PRETEND buddy read with our most anticipated book- Carrie Soto Is Back to show you the experience.

Once you have this updated, you can select the book you want to read, start a buddy read and invite up to 4 people to join on the read.

Don’t have a buddy to do a read with? They can even build suggestions through their machine-learning-powered reading buddy recommendations.

This feature launched in December 2021, and Nadia is particularly proud of this.

How to Use the StoryGraph App For a Better Reading Life from
this is the screen you will see once you both join a buddy read

“I think the thing that people love the most about our Buddy Read feature is you often have to have a checkpoint. You often have to say, okay, we’re all going to regroup end of chapter four and discuss.

Whereas now, if something happens that you want to remark on or you have a question, you can leave the comment at that specific point, and the comment is locked until each participant gets to that part.

So if I leave a comment at 27 pages and we’re doing a Buddy Read, and you’re on 24 pages, you won’t even get a notification because there’s no point.”

Basically, it blocks the Buddy Read from spoilers and yields a more fluid conversation.

The best part about this is that Nadia reassures us that she is only on Version 1, which means we have many more things to look forward to.

How Is Their Book Rating System is Different from GoodReads?

The biggest frustration for most GoodReads users is the inability to do half or quarter-star rankings.

With Storygraph, you no longer have to round up or down on your reviews because this is built into their design.

This is based on user feedback, in particular, bookstagrammers shared their desire to have this option in place, and Storygraph delivered.

How Do I Do a Reading Challenge on StoryGraph?

Nadia walked us through the entire process of joining a challenge on Storygraph.

“Go to the Reading Challenges page, which you can get to from either the top bar (on Desktop) or click for the menu on the three horizontal black lines on the top right (if you’re on mobile).

On the top right, there is a button that says Browse. If you click there, what you’ll see is you’ll see a page with the Storygraph’s hosted challenges at the top. We host three challenges each year.

And then there’s a filter menu where you can search for different keywords with nine categories, and you can basically go through the categories and see what you might be interested in.

So things people might be doing like a New York Review of Books Challenge, Read the World Challenge or Pop Culture (Taylor Swift) Challenge, or some popular TV show. (for example)

So you can either click through and browse the categories or filter the keywords and go from there.

Or you can also do a rainbow challenge or actually beat the TBR categories for people who are like, ‘I just want to get through the books in my house.'”

Does anyone else need a “Beat the TBR Challenge,” or is it just me?

How Do You Mark DNF (Did Not Finish) Books?

In GoodReads, you need custom tags to DNF your books.

StoryGraph builds this feature right into their app.

Nadia understood that GoodReads users had to add these books to a special shelf and that it was challenging to track WHY a user didn’t finish a book. So her response was to build it right into the product.

She said, “To mark a book as DNF is equivalent to marking it as to-read or read.

You just toggle over and mark it with DNF rather than adding a review with a star rating.

Storygraph gives you a space to add your reasoning or your reason for why you didn’t finish this book.”

What Feature Might Be Helpful For Empathetic Readers?

When writing and leaving book reviews on Storygraph, you can add your own content warnings. These content warnings don’t come just from users- they also come from authors and publishers.

Nadia shared, “When you submit a review, you can list what you think the graphic, moderate, and minor content warnings are.

And then what we do is we collate what everybody says, and we show like a smart summary of the likely content warnings.

So you can click through and see every single content warning tagged in the book, then click through and see the review.

But we also have author-approved content warnings, so authors can officially submit their own warnings. And then you can also see them side by side as well.

So we give space for readers to express what they found triggering in the book or what they think someone else may find triggering.

Because not all the time, the authors and the publishers will spot everything. But we also have a space for authors to say officially, these are the warnings.”

How to Use the StoryGraph App For a Better Reading Life from
join my book club

How Can I Use The Storygraph For My Book Club?

I asked Nadia about hosting our book club on the Storygraph, and she said that the app is designed to offer Reading Challenges and that participants can also split off into buddy reads.

She also hinted that new book club features are in the works too. I’m very excited to see what develops for the MomAdvice Book Club.

Will The App Always Be This Clutter-Free?

I did ask this question right out of the gate, and I loved Nadia’s response. 

Nadia shared, “So our number one goal and aim is to keep it clean and clutter-free. And the number one person that we’re serving is the reader, and we want to keep it that way for as long as it’s possible. 

And that means that we have proceeds from our Plus plan (see below for more details), which means we don’t have to have ads. If we ever had to have ads, we would ask the community about it. 

If you’re involved with the Storygraph on our social media, you’ll notice that we ask; we have regular polls or comment boxes because we’re essentially always getting feedback from the community before we deliver a feature. 

But, right now, we’re not thinking of ads, and we want to just focus on the product and keeping it clean and streamlined, and making sure the user experience is excellent.”

Why Are They Offering Pro Accounts & Why Should You Upgrade?

Everything is free in an ideal world, but Plus accounts are the key to keeping the app clutter-free and funding their company.

Nadia shared, “The reason Plus exists is because we’re trying to see can we stay independent and sustainable and just continuing to grow for several, several years to come.”

You can unlock many features with a Storygraph Plus membership, and readers can try this FREE without even putting in a credit card.

What features does Nadia think are the best features about Pro?

In our interview, she shared, “One of the most awesome features that we have is the Up Next Suggestions feature.

And so that essentially is a page of recommendations curated just for you from books on your to-read pile, suggesting what you should read next and giving you the reason why it changes as your reading changes….

So, for example, one of the prompts might be you’re doing really well in your reading goal, so you can go for a longer book here’s, a long book on your to-read.

Or you’re falling behind on your pages goal, here is a fast-paced book for you to read.

The other thing that people love is advanced Stats. As part of Advanced Stats, there’s a Compare Stats Page where you can compare any two time periods. So you can compare any two months in your reading history.

The other cool thing is if you are going to do a buddy read. One of the really cool Plus features is I can put your username in, and it will look at both of our readings and both of our series piles and suggest perfect books for us to read together, which I think is (if I do say so myself) pretty cool.

And there’s a bunch more, including commenting and voting on the reading roadmap.”

What Is the Storygraph Roadmap?

Perhaps the thing that makes Storygraph so unique is that you can see and suggest updates to the app in the company’s roadmap.

The transparency is refreshing, and it’s so exciting to be a part of the building process as a user.

How to Use the StoryGraph App For a Better Reading Life from

Did I Make the Switch To Storygraph This Year?

I have been a loyal GoodReads user for many, many years. However, I will admit that many of the things that I wish were offered all happen to live on the Storygraph app.

Not only did I make the switch to Storygraph, but I also plan to document my journey for you based on the curated lists and to-be-read piles that Storygraph has prioritized for me.

How to Use the StoryGraph App For a Better Reading Life from
this perspective made me realize why I’m burnt out on romance

It IMMEDIATELY changed my reading life to see these charts, to know the pages I’ve read, and just what kind of reader I am.

How to Use the StoryGraph App For a Better Reading Life from
another capture from my stats

For the record, I mainly read fiction books that are emotional, reflective, and mysterious. I typically choose medium-paced books that clock in at 300-499 pages long.

I signed up for their Pro account because I’m so excited to support this woman-owned start-up business (and her team). I can’t wait to share with you what I’ve learned.

It was such an honor to do this interview, and I hope you will make space to listen to Nadia’s journey. She also shares the genre that took her by surprise, how a pages reading challenge is changing her reading life, and how she reads as a busy entrepreneur.

Do you use The Storygraph app? If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them here!

How The StoryGraph Can Enhance Your Reading Life (Podcast)

March 11th, 2022

Mood readers will love the StoryGraph app and its founder, Nadia Odunayo. Learn how to track and use insightful stats to enrich your reading life.

Today we discussed who were the users for The StoryGraph’s features. We also discuss the critical differences between GoodReads and The StoryGraph, like buddy reads, book club challenges, and content warnings.

Learn why I’m making the switch away from GoodReads after our discussion. I can’t wait to discover books this year through these curated lists and reading challenges.

read my new storygraph tutorial (with the best excerpts from today’s interview)

Today’s episode includes a reading guide on How to Use the StoryGraph as we take you on a screen-by-screen capture of described features in our interview. I hope it helps as you consider making this switch or using it with your GoodReads app.

How The StoryGraph Can Enhance Your Reading Life (Podcast)

Listen to the Show:

Listen to Book Gang below or listen on your favorite podcast listening platform!

Book Gang listeners, if you love our commercial-free podcast, please consider supporting me on Patreon! As a patron, you’ll receive a monthly “FULLY BOOKED” show, featuring the latest in buzzy books reviews in newsletter and podcast format, co-hosted with @getbookedwithlarry.  You’ll also get an exclusive monthly author interview and a book club music playlist for the MomAdvice Book Club. Membership is just $5 per month, or you can pre-pay to save 10%.

Mentioned in this episode:

Read the How to Use The StoryGraph Guide (includes excerpts from today’s interview)

The StoryGraph

The StoryGraph Roadmap

The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary

Get A Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert

Take A Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert

Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert

Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss

What It Means When A Man Falls From the Sky by Lesley Nneka Arimah

A Little Hope by Ethan Joella

Nadia Odunayo on Instagram

Nadia Odunayo on Twitter

The StoryGraph on Instagram

The StoryGraph on Twitter

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Amy is @momadvice on Instagram

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Book Gang Podcast Episode 24: Strong Book Opinions Wanted

March 4th, 2022
Book Gang Podcast Episode 24: Strong Book Opinions Wanted

Book Gang Podcast Episode 24: Strong Book Opinions Wanted (With Lindsay @theopinionatedreader)

Lindsay (@theopinionatedreader) may have been tasked with the most challenging podcast assignment yet, but it seemed fitting for a bookstagrammer that builds a brand on strong book opinions.

So today we discuss three books she loved and three books she hated. Learn some of the best practices for sharing negative book reviews and what surprising author friendship blossomed from a positive book review.  


Today’s episode does have trigger warnings for the last portion of our show (in the negative review

  • The negative reviews do have spoilers.
  • 43:05- A rape case is mishandled and there is a discussion on how this case would actually be handled based on Lindsay’s background (and her husband’s background) working as a sex crime’s detective and intern in the sex crimes unit. 
  • 52:52- May be triggering to those facing disabilities because it is about someone being dishonest about a health diagnosis.

Book Gang Podcast Episode 24: Strong Book Opinions Wanted

Listen to the Show:

Listen below or listen on your favorite podcast listening platform!

Mentioned in this episode:

The Opinionated Reader on Instagram

The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner

Bath Haus by P.J. Vernon

A Little Hope by Ethan Joella

Bath Haus Review on Patreon

The Things We Cannot Say by Kelly Rimmer

The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

Book of Harlan by Bernice McFadden

Book of Lost Names by Kristin Harmel

The Hearts Invisible Furies by John Boyne

A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara

The Prettiest Star by Carter Sickels

The Great Believers by Rebecca Makkai

A Ladder to the Sky by John Boyne

Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell by Robert Dugoni

Ordinary Grace by William Kent Kruger

Setting Free the Kites by Alex George

A Good Neighborhood by Therese Anne Fowler

Such A Fun Age by Kylie Reid

When You Hate Your Neighbor, and Then Your Kids Start Dating by Kiley Reid in the NY Times

The Maidens by Alex Michaelides

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

Life’s Too Short by Abby Jimenez

Get a Life Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert

Seven Days in June by Tia Williams

MomAdvice Patreon

The Spoon Theory

Connect With Me:

Amy is @momadvice on Instagram

Join the Patreon Community For the Bonus Content

Join Our Patreon Book Gang Today

Do you want to have the best reading year ever? 

Join the MomAdvice Book Gang for just $5 for an exclusive one-of-a-kind reading experience, and let me be your tour guide. I have selected 12 phenomenal books to read together that were picked just for you.  These are thought-provoking stories that deserve discussion, and many are hidden literary treasures. The official 2022 MomAdvice Book Club selection announcement will happen on December 1st. Your $5 membership will grant you access to the following exclusive features.

Monthly in-depth video interviews with each of our chosen authors. Learn the stories behind each of their stories and what they hope you will walk away from each of their books.

Exclusive Bookstore Coupon Discounts. Our Fables Bookstore partnership will give Patreon members 15% off ALL the book club selections for our year. This can be applied to both paperback and hardback selections. 

Exclusive MomAdvice Book Gang Podcast Episodes & Early Access Book Reviews. Your stack will be toppling over with my real-time reviews each month. These reviews are available in both audio and printable formats.  

Monthly Themed Playlists & Digital Downloads. Pair your favorite thriller with my spooky playlist. Brew some tea and listen to an instrumental mix with your favorite classic. Embrace short story songs with my favorite storytellers. The playlists are endless and digital downloads are available for your reading journals.

Sneak Peek Upcoming Content. You will know before anyone else what to expect in upcoming podcast episodes and what I’m researching for our next shows. Be bookishly curious with me and give your input for these MomAdvice Book Gang podcast shows.

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Shop the above (Amazon) links or shop through my new MomAdvice Book Gang Bookshop Page!! They pay a 10% commission on every sale and give a matching 10% to independent bookstores.

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More Book Fun with MomAdvice:

MomAdvice 2022 Free Online Book Club

Book Gang Podcast Episode 23: Lessons For Writing Your First Book (With Ethan Joella)

February 18th, 2022

Book Gang Podcast Episode 23: Lessons For Writing Your First Book with Ethan Joella


A Little Hope was selected as a Read With Jenna & Book of the Month Selection, but Ethan Joella is here to tell you that writing your first book can be quite the journey.

Ethan knows all about good writing, in fact, he instructs his students on this topic.

Today we are talking about the structure of this beautifully interconnected story in a sleepy seaside town and why good stories are often made up of those little-noticed details.

Landing the traditional publishing deal for his debut fiction book took a lot of writing time and patience, but this novel ended up landing in just the right hands at the perfect time. It’s a magical story that I think you will really appreciate.

Today we are discussing this journey from book idea to bestselling author. Ethan candidly shares about his writing process and how social media has been a proven connection tool for published authors to get the word out about their beautiful books.

What story idea do you need to make happen?

We hope this episode brings the motivation you need for your next writing session.

This is the episode you need if you want to start writing and finish your book this year.

I hope it inspires you to push through writer’s block and devote even fifteen minutes a day to making your literary dreams happen.

Book Gang Podcast Episode 23: Lessons For Writing Your First Book (With Ethan Joella)

Listen to the Show:

Listen below or listen on your favorite podcast listening platform!

Mentioned in this episode:

Ethan Joella

MomAdvice on Patreon

The Wild Light by Jeff Zentner

MomAdvice Book Club

A Quiet Life by Ethan Joella

A Little Hope by Ethan Joella

Did You Ever Have A Family by Bill Clegg

MomAdvice Interview with Bill Clegg

Ernie’s Ark by Monica Wood

Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout

When It Happens to You by Molly Ringwald

Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane

Book of the Month

Alexandra Daddario

The People We Keep by Alison Larkin

Read with Jenna

Book of Harlan by Bernice McFadden

The Accidental Tourist by Anne Tyler

Breathing Lessons by Anne Tyler

Last Night at the Lobster by Stewart O’Nan

Jhumpa Lahiri

Curtis Sittenfeld

In the Cemetery Where Al Jolson is Buried by Amy Hempel

John Cheever

Ernest Hemingway

Where the Line Bleeds by Jesmyn Ward

The Rehoboth Beach Writers Guild

Ethan Joella on Instagram

Ethan Joella on Twitter

A Little Hope on Amazon

A Little Hope on Target

A Little Hope on Barnes & Noble

A Little Hope on Goodreads

Connect With Me:

Amy is @momadvice on Instagram

Join the Patreon Community For the Bonus Content



Join Our Patreon Book Gang Today

Do you want to have the best reading year ever? 

Join the MomAdvice Book Gang for just $5 for an exclusive one-of-a-kind reading experience, and let me be your tour guide. I have selected 12 phenomenal books to read together that were picked just for you.  These are thought-provoking stories that deserve discussion, and many are hidden literary treasures. The official 2022 MomAdvice Book Club selection announcement will happen on December 1st. Your $5 membership will grant you access to the following exclusive features.

Monthly in-depth video interviews with each of our chosen authors. Learn the stories behind each of their stories and what they hope you will walk away from each of their books.

Exclusive Bookstore Coupon Discounts. Our Fables Bookstore partnership will give Patreon members 15% off ALL the book club selections for our year. This can be applied to both paperback and hardback selections. 

Exclusive MomAdvice Book Gang Podcast Episodes & Early Access Book Reviews. Your stack will be toppling over with my real-time reviews each month. These reviews are available in both audio and printable formats.  

Monthly Themed Playlists & Digital Downloads. Pair your favorite thriller with my spooky playlist. Brew some tea and listen to an instrumental mix with your favorite classic. Embrace short story songs with my favorite storytellers. The playlists are endless and digital downloads are available for your reading journals.

Sneak Peek Upcoming Content. You will know before anyone else what to expect in upcoming podcast episodes and what I’m researching for our next shows. Be bookishly curious with me and give your input for these MomAdvice Book Gang podcast shows.

This post contains affiliate links.

Shop the above (Amazon) links or shop through my new MomAdvice Book Gang Bookshop Page!! They pay a 10% commission on every sale and give a matching 10% to independent bookstores.

Book Gang Podcast Episode 23: Lessons For Writing Your First Book with Ethan Joella


Book Gang Podcast Episode 23: Lessons For Writing Your First Book with Ethan Joella


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2022 MomAdvice Book Club

MomAdvice 2022 Book Club 



Podcast Episode 20: Hopes & Heartbreaks of Pandemic Publishing with Gae Polisner

Episode 20: Hopes & Heartbreaks of Pandemic Publishing with Gae Polisner


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Book Gang Podcast Episode 22: Books About Books (With Fables Books)

February 11th, 2022

Book Gang Podcast Episode 22: Books About Books

This month, Kristin from Fables Books joins us to explore books about books through the brand new Fables Books Reading Challenge! We discuss our favorite books that embrace fictional bookstore settings and libraries. This episode has you covered whether you are looking for a love story or that perfect true crime nonfiction book escape with. This is the stack you need for your next book club night and can be a great bonding tool for ANYONE who simply loves books. 

If you love reading, these backlist forgotten books are perfect for fans of comforting reading escape. I don’t know a book lover that wouldn’t want to read a book about books and reading. There is nothing better than celebrating the power of books and everyone who loves them.

Along with today’s discussion, we are also talking about The Storygraph tool and how you can join the bookstore’s challenge or any other challenge to expand your reading life this year. Learn how this tool can be used in conjunction with your Goodreads profile or as a complete replacement for tracking and discovering your next stack of books.

Book Gang Podcast Episode 22: Books About Books (with Fables Books)

Listen to the Show:

Listen below or listen on your favorite podcast listening platform!

Mentioned in this episode:

In the Wild Light by Jeff Zenter

MomAdvice on Patreon

MomAdvice Book Club

Fables Books

Fables Books 2022 Reading Challenge

Must Love Books by Shauna Robinson

The Charm Offensive by Allison Cochrun

Beach Read by Emily Henry

The Library Book by Susan Orlean

The Department of Rare Books and Special Collections by Eva Jurczyk

Library Reads List

The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Life of Pi by Yann Martel

The Paris Bookseller by Kerri Maher

Ulysses by James Joyce

The Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman

The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin

The Invisible Husband of Frick Island by Colleen Oakley

Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey

Outlawed by Anna North

The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot

No Offense by Meg Cabot

Little Bridge Island Series

Bookish and the Beast by Ashley Poston

Once Upon a Con Series

The StoryGraph

StoryGraph Team

Fables Challenge on StoryGraph

Fables Books on Instagram

Fables Books on Facebook

Fables Books on TikTok

Connect With Me:

Amy is @momadvice on Instagram

Join the Patreon Community For the Bonus Content


MomAdvice Book Gang Member


Join Our Patreon Book Gang Today

Do you want to have the best reading year ever? 

Join the MomAdvice Book Gang for just $5 for an exclusive one-of-a-kind reading experience, and let me be your tour guide. I have selected 12 phenomenal books to read together that were picked just for you.  These are thought-provoking stories that deserve discussion, and many are hidden literary treasures. The official 2022 MomAdvice Book Club selection announcement will happen on December 1st. Your $5 membership will grant you access to the following exclusive features.

Monthly in-depth video interviews with each of our chosen authors. Learn the stories behind each of their stories and what they hope you will walk away from each of their books.

Exclusive Bookstore Coupon Discounts. Our Fables Bookstore partnership will give Patreon members 15% off ALL the book club selections for our year. This can be applied to both paperback and hardback selections. 

Exclusive MomAdvice Book Gang Podcast Episodes & Early Access Book Reviews. Your stack will be toppling over with my real-time reviews each month. These reviews are available in both audio and printable formats.  

Monthly Themed Playlists & Digital Downloads. Pair your favorite thriller with my spooky playlist. Brew some tea and listen to an instrumental mix with your favorite classic. Embrace short story songs with my favorite storytellers. The playlists are endless and digital downloads are available for your reading journals.

Sneak Peek Upcoming Content. You will know before anyone else what to expect in upcoming podcast episodes and what I’m researching for our next shows. Be bookishly curious with me and give your input for these MomAdvice Book Gang podcast shows.

This post contains affiliate links.

Shop the above (Amazon) links or shop through my new MomAdvice Book Gang Bookshop Page!! They pay a 10% commission on every sale and give a matching 10% to independent bookstores.



Book Gang Podcast: Books About Books

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2022 MomAdvice Book Club

2022 MomAdvice Book Club


2022 MomAdvice Book Club Book Mark


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Book Gang Podcast Episode 9: The Book Shortage Dilemma
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Book Gang Podcast Episode 21: Must-Read True Crime Books (with Laura Tremaine)

February 4th, 2022



Debut novelist, Laura Tremaine, wrote a gorgeous little book called Share Your Stuff I’ll Go First and might be a familiar voice to you because of her podcast 10 Things to Tell You.

Not only will we be talking about Laura’s experience writing her first book, but we will also be discussing the must-read true crime books you need to add to your stack.

I knew we would have a lot of fun discussing these books and we are going to be sharing about that in the second half of the hour in our show. Laura comes with strong opinions including how you can’t call yourself a true crime enthusiast if you haven’t read THESE classics.

Book Gang Podcast Episode 21: Must-Read True Crime Books (with Laura Tremaine)

Listen to the Show:

Listen below or listen on your favorite podcast listening platform!

Mentioned in this episode:

Laura Tremaine

Hollywood Housewife

Sorta Awesome

Smartest Person in the Room

10 Things to Tell You

Share Your Stuff, I’ll Go First by Laura Tremaine

MomAdvice on Patreon

Mom Advice Book Club

In the Wild Light by Jeff Zentner

Stephen King Summer Book Club

Carrie by Stephen King

Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King

Misery by Stephen King

11/22/63 by Stephen King

Billy Summers by Stephen King

I’ll Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara

The Stranger Beside Me Original by Ann Rule

The Stranger Beside Me Twentieth Anniversary Edition by Ann Rule

Helter Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi

And The Sea Will Tell by Vincent Bugliosi

Under The Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer

Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer

Missoula by Jon Krakauer

Columbine by Dave Cullen

Laura’s Instagram

Laura’s Patreon

Laura’s newsletter

Laura on Facebook

Laura Tremaine Link Tree

Connect With Me:

Amy is @momadvice on Instagram

Join the Patreon Community For the Bonus Content


MomAdvice Book Gang


Join Our Patreon Book Gang Today

Do you want to have the best reading year ever? 

Join the MomAdvice Book Gang for just $5 for an exclusive one-of-a-kind reading experience, and let me be your tour guide. I have selected 12 phenomenal books to read together that were picked just for you.  These are thought-provoking stories that deserve discussion, and many are hidden literary treasures. The official 2022 MomAdvice Book Club selection announcement will happen on December 1st. Your $5 membership will grant you access to the following exclusive features.

Monthly in-depth video interviews with each of our chosen authors. Learn the stories behind each of their stories and what they hope you will walk away from each of their books.

Exclusive Bookstore Coupon Discounts. Our Fables Bookstore partnership will give Patreon members 15% off ALL the book club selections for our year. This can be applied to both paperback and hardback selections. 

Exclusive MomAdvice Book Gang Podcast Episodes & Early Access Book Reviews. Your stack will be toppling over with my real-time reviews each month. These reviews are available in both audio and printable formats.  

Monthly Themed Playlists & Digital Downloads. Pair your favorite thriller with my spooky playlist. Brew some tea and listen to an instrumental mix with your favorite classic. Embrace short story songs with my favorite storytellers. The playlists are endless and digital downloads are available for your reading journals.

Sneak Peek Upcoming Content. You will know before anyone else what to expect in upcoming podcast episodes and what I’m researching for our next shows. Be bookishly curious with me and give your input for these MomAdvice Book Gang podcast shows.

This post contains affiliate links.

Shop the above (Amazon) links or shop through my new MomAdvice Book Gang Bookshop Page!! They pay a 10% commission on every sale and give a matching 10% to independent bookstores.


More Fun with MomAdvice:

2022 MomAdvice Book Club

MomAdvice 2022 Book Club



BookGang Episode 12: Thriller Books with Mary Kubica

Book Gang Episode 12: Best Thriller Books with Mary Kubica



Book Gang Podcast Episode 6: A Friendly Goodreads Competition

Book Gang Podcast Episode 6: A Friendly Goodreads Competition



The Importance of S-Town

The Importance of S-Town



True Crime Binge

Binge Watching True Crime

2022 MomAdvice Book Club Tracker Bookmark (FREE DOWNLOAD)

February 2nd, 2022

The 2022 MomAdvice Book Club year is in FULL EFFECT!

We celebrated our book club kickoff with our January Book Club Chat on The Nine Lives of Rose Napolitano. It was such a thoughtful and thought-provoking discussion on one woman’s choice to be child-free and the way that her lives played out as she explored 9 scenarios where she makes family-planning decisions. If you missed this month, you can still read and interact with last week’s event over here. (reminder: you must be part of the book club group to view these).

I’ve created the cutest little bookmark tracker to track your reading year with me. I wanted to create an interactive bookmark you can color as you progress through our chats.

On the opposite side of the bookmark, you will find the titles and a color suggestion for each of the books. No need to follow my color cues- please make it your own.

NOTES ON PRINTING: Make sure you print the actual size and select to print on both sides. 

Thank you so much for participating in our book club chats and I hope this freebie adds another immersive element to your book club experience! 

Things you might be looking for!






Book Gang Podcast Episode 20: Hopes & Heartbreaks of Pandemic Publishing

January 28th, 2022

Book Gang Podcast Episode 20: Hopes & Heartbreak of Pandemic Publishing

This week’s podcast is another “Bookishly Curious” episode that explores the hopes and heartbreaks of pandemic publishing. Gae Polisner joins me, a YA author that’s 2020 book launch was rocked by changes in the publishing industry, bringing repeated challenges to the sales of her book.

I believe that it is impossible to listen to this episode and not learn something new because Gae shows up in the only one that she knows how- authentically and vulnerably. Book printing wasn’t the only challenge with this book. It is much more profound than that, and we are uncovering those layers with the challenges of being a midlist author, how author earnings work, and how this may affect future sales.

There isn’t just heartbreak here, though, because Gae brings hope too. We learn what she is working on next and what best practices to help authors succeed.

If you want to better understand the book shortage before listening, Episode 9 (The Book Shortage Dilemma) is an essential discussion on how supply chain issues affect the book retail industry. This episode discusses how a paper shortage and labor shortage limited many printed book sales because the materials were not accessible for these printing runs. The printing capacity indeed changed book sales for many authors. It’s so much bigger than that as we unbox what happened from a bookseller’s perspective too.

Please note: Gae was having construction done at her home during our taping. We apologize for any distracting noise that might be happening during this show.  I hope it won’t take away from all these valuable and beautiful lessons Gae is sharing.

Book Gang Podcast Episode 20: Hopes & Heartbreaks in Pandemic Publishing

Listen to the Show:

Listen below or listen on your favorite podcast listening platform!

Mentioned in this episode:

Gae Polisner

Jack Kerouac is Dead to Me by Gae Polisner

MomAdvice on Patreon

Nine Lives of Rose Napolitano by Donna Freitas

Seven Clues to Home by Gae Polisner

In Sight of Stars by Gae Polisner

MomAdvice Reading Retreat

MomAdvice In Sight of Stars Book Chat

Cult of Pedagogy Blog

Changing Hands Bookstore

Fables Books

Robbie Crouch

The Memory of Things by Gae Polisner

Jack Kerouac is Dead to Me on audiobook

gaepol on Twitter

gaepol on Instagram

Gae Polisner Author Page

Gae Polisner Personal Page

Consider the Octopus by Gae Polisner

Connect With Me:

Amy is @momadvice on Instagram

Join the Patreon Community For the Bonus Content



Join Our Patreon Book Gang Today

Do you want to have the best reading year ever? 

Join the MomAdvice Book Gang for just $5 for an exclusive one-of-a-kind reading experience, and let me be your tour guide. I have selected 12 phenomenal books to read together that were picked just for you.  These are thought-provoking stories that deserve discussion, and many are hidden literary treasures. The official 2022 MomAdvice Book Club selection announcement will happen on December 1st. Your $5 membership will grant you access to the following exclusive features.

Monthly in-depth video interviews with each of our chosen authors. Learn the stories behind each of their stories and what they hope you will walk away from each of their books.

Exclusive Bookstore Coupon Discounts. Our Fables Bookstore partnership will give Patreon members 15% off ALL the book club selections for our year. This can be applied to both paperback and hardback selections. 

Exclusive MomAdvice Book Gang Podcast Episodes & Early Access Book Reviews. Your stack will be toppling over with my real-time reviews each month. These reviews are available in both audio and printable formats.  

Monthly Themed Playlists & Digital Downloads. Pair your favorite thriller with my spooky playlist. Brew some tea and listen to an instrumental mix with your favorite classic. Embrace short story songs with my favorite storytellers. The playlists are endless and digital downloads are available for your reading journals.

Sneak Peek Upcoming Content. You will know before anyone else what to expect in upcoming podcast episodes and what I’m researching for our next shows. Be bookishly curious with me and give your input for these MomAdvice Book Gang podcast shows.

This post contains affiliate links.

Shop the above (Amazon) links or shop through my new MomAdvice Book Gang Bookshop Page!! They pay a 10% commission on every sale and give a matching 10% to independent bookstores.



More fun with Gae Polisner:

MomAdvice Reading Retreat

MomAdvice Reading Retreat



Must Reads from MomAdvice

Must Reads from MomAdvice


More Book Gang fun:


Fully Booked Sneak Peak

Sneak Peak of New Show – Fully Booked



Best Books of 2021

Best Books of 2021 Part 1



Best Books of 2021

Best Books of 2021 Part 2

Book Gang Podcast Episode 19: Sneak Peek FULLY BOOKED

January 20th, 2022


The new FULLY BOOKED show is just what your reading life needs.

We are giving you a sneak peek into our new Patreon show with a brand new co-host! 

I knew this show needed a consistent voice and I’m so thankful for our financial support that makes this possible. 

While the MomAdvice Book Gang focuses on debuts, backlist, and under-the-radar book gems, I wanted a place to share about all those new and shiny books we are reading too.

Get the scoop on all the latest releases, discover the latest in bookish entertainment news, and find out what books to anticipate in the weeks ahead.

This episode will get you all caught up on all those new and shiny releases. Listen to this before your next library day! 

Book Gang Podcast Episode 19: Sneak Peek Our NEW Patreon Show: Fully Booked

Listen to the Show:

Listen below or listen on your favorite podcast listening platform!

If you would like to cash in on my FREE printable newsletter, you can find that over here. This has everything we talked about in an easy to view (or print) format for your next library day. 

Mentioned in this episode:

MomAdvice on Patreon

Storied Life of AJ Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin

Kindred by Octavia E. Butler

All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

The Man Who Lived Underground by Richard Wright

Native Son by Richard Wright

Atlas of the Heart By Brene Brown

How to Resist Amazon and Why by Danny Caine

Larry on the BookGang Podcast

The School for Good Mothers by Jessamine Chan

Vox by Christina Dalcher

The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood

The Maid by Nita Prose

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

Seven Days in June by Tia Williams

Early Morning Riser by Katherine Helny

Standard Deviation by Katherine Helny

The Book of Harlan by Bernice McFadden

Weather Girl by Rachel Lynn Solomon

The Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon

Bright Burning Things by Lisa Harding

Room by Emma Donoghue

Wahala by Nikki May

A Ladder to the Sky by John Boyne

The Ballerinas by Rachel Kapelke-Dale

Sarah’s Bookshelves

Golden Boys by Phil Stamper

The Gravity of Us by Phil Stamper

As Far As You’ll Take Me by Phil Stamper

Never Saw Me Coming by Vera Kurian

Teen Killers Club by Lily Sparks

The Collective by Allison Gaylin

Do No Harm by Christina McDonald

False Witness by Karin Slaughter

Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter

MomAdvice Daily Kindle Deals

Reckless Girls by Rachel Hawkins

The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins

Share Your Stuff. I’ll Go First by Laura Tremaine

Laura Tremaine on Instagram

Hang the Moon by Alexandria Bellefleur

Written in the Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur

Count Your Lucky Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur

Running Wild by K.A. Tucker

The Simple Wild Series by K.A. Tucker

Something Fabulous by Alexis Hall

The Magnolia Palace by Fiona Davis

The Overnight Guest by Heather Gudenkauf

Good Rich People by Eliza Jane Brazier

The Roughest Draft by Emily Wibberley

Finlay Donovan Knocks ‘Em Dead by Elle Cosimano

Beautiful Little Fools by Jillian Cantor

Homicide and Halo-Halo by Mia P. Manasala

Goodbye Again by Mariah Stewart

Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover

Connect With Me:

Amy on Instagram


Larry’s Bookstagram Account

It’s Either Sadness or Bookphoria Blog

MomAdvice on Patreon (to get FULLY BOOKED monthly!)


Book Gang Member


Join Our Patreon Book Gang Today

Do you want to have the best reading year ever? 

Join the MomAdvice Book Gang for just $5 for an exclusive one-of-a-kind reading experience, and let me be your tour guide. I have selected 12 phenomenal books to read together that were picked just for you.  These are thought-provoking stories that deserve discussion, and many are hidden literary treasures. The official 2022 MomAdvice Book Club selection announcement will happen on December 1st. Your $5 membership will grant you access to the following exclusive features.

Monthly in-depth video interviews with each of our chosen authors. Learn the stories behind each of their stories and what they hope you will walk away from each of their books.

Exclusive Bookstore Coupon Discounts. Our Fables Bookstore partnership will give Patreon members 15% off ALL the book club selections for our year. This can be applied to both paperback and hardback selections. 

Exclusive FULLY BOOKED Podcast. Your stack will be toppling over with all the latest new and shiny book releases. Get the scoop on all the bookish entertainment news, reviews on the latest releases, and our picks for most-anticipated releases. These reviews are available in both audio and printable formats.  

Monthly Themed Playlists & Digital Downloads. Pair your favorite thriller with my spooky playlist. Brew some tea and listen to an instrumental mix with your favorite classic. Embrace short story songs with my favorite storytellers. The playlists are endless and digital downloads are available for your reading journals.

Sneak Peek Upcoming Content. You will know before anyone else what to expect in upcoming podcast episodes and what I’m researching for our next shows. Be bookishly curious with me and give your input for these MomAdvice Book Gang podcast shows.

This post contains affiliate links.

Shop the above (Amazon) links or shop through my new MomAdvice Book Gang Bookshop Page!! They pay a 10% commission on every sale and give a matching 10% to independent bookstores.


Book Gang Episode 19: Sneak Peak of Fully Booked




More Book Gang Fun:

Book Gang Podcast - What It Takes to Be a Top Goodreads Reviewer

Book Gang Podcast: What It Takes To Be A Top Goodreads Reviewer


Book Gang Best Books of 2021 Part 1

Book Gang Podcast Best Books of 2021 Part 1


Best Books Part 2

BookGang Podcast: Best Books of 2021 Part 2


2022 MomAdvice Book Club

2022 MomAdvice Book Club




Book Gang Podcast Episode 18: The Best in Steam and Scream

January 14th, 2022

Chip runs the Steam & Scream Book Club and brings his favorite book club romance and thrillers to our show today. His eye for steam, in particular, landed him a book cover deal with a romance writer that’s just the kind of story you need to to hear today.
Chip also brings his professional photography background to our show to discuss simple ways to document your reading year that will fit any budget and how to streamline your photo editing process.
What I love the most about today’s episode is that two of our selections today are self-published, a notable detail that I think is worth celebrating.
Regarding sound: this concludes the “Amy was hooked up to her web cam and not her microphone” show series. Thank you for bearing with me as I learn and grow. The sound greatly improves next week, I promise. Oh, how I have been humbled!

Book Gang Podcast Episode 18: The Best in Steam & Scream

Listen to the Show:

Listen below or listen on your favorite podcast listening platform!


Mentioned in this episode:

Chip on Instagram booksovrbros 

MomAdvice Reading Retreat

Lightroom app

Ache by Marley Valentine

Steam & Scream Book Club on Discord

Steam & Scream Merch on Bonfire

Joanna on Instagram booksjojoreads

Castle of Water by Dane Huckelbridge

The Charm Offensive by Allison Cochran

Without You by Marley Valentine

The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas

Elena Armas on Instagram thebibliotheque

The Bullet by Mary Louise Kelly

MomAdvice Interview with Mary Louise Kelly

Bath Haus by P.J. Vernon

In My Dreams I Hold a Knife by Ashley Winstead

Fool Me Once by Ashley Winstead

The Acts of Life by Kristin Mulligan

Kristin Mulligan on Instagram

A Slow Fire Burning by Paula Hawkins

MomAdvice on Patreon

Connect With Me:

Amy is @momadvice on Instagram

Join the Patreon Community For the Bonus Content

This Week’s Patreon Bonus




Join Our Patreon Book Gang Today

Do you want to have the best reading year ever? 

Join the MomAdvice Book Gang for just $5 for an exclusive one-of-a-kind reading experience, and let me be your tour guide. I have selected 12 phenomenal books to read together that were picked just for you.  These are thought-provoking stories that deserve discussion, and many are hidden literary treasures. The official 2022 MomAdvice Book Club selection announcement will happen on December 1st. Your $5 membership will grant you access to the following exclusive features.

Monthly in-depth video interviews with each of our chosen authors. Learn the stories behind each of their stories and what they hope you will walk away from each of their books.

Exclusive Bookstore Coupon Discounts. Our Fables Bookstore partnership will give Patreon members 15% off ALL the book club selections for our year. This can be applied to both paperback and hardback selections. 

Exclusive MomAdvice Book Gang Podcast Episodes & Early Access Book Reviews. Your stack will be toppling over with my real-time reviews each month. These reviews are available in both audio and printable formats.  

Monthly Themed Playlists & Digital Downloads. Pair your favorite thriller with my spooky playlist. Brew some tea and listen to an instrumental mix with your favorite classic. Embrace short story songs with my favorite storytellers. The playlists are endless and digital downloads are available for your reading journals.

Sneak Peek Upcoming Content. You will know before anyone else what to expect in upcoming podcast episodes and what I’m researching for our next shows. Be bookishly curious with me and give your input for these MomAdvice Book Gang podcast shows.

This post contains affiliate links.

Shop the above (Amazon) links or shop through my new MomAdvice Book Gang Bookshop Page!! They pay a 10% commission on every sale and give a matching 10% to independent bookstores.


Book Gang Episode 18: The Best in Steam & Scream