Thank you all for your heartfelt responses and comments to my request to find out the direction we should take the site.
Everyone seemed generally happy with what we were doing, but we are trying to continue to push new ground on the website and keep the material and ideas fresh.
It seems that many of our competitors (and there are MANY!) are taking the community route versus the content route. Relying on all of our readers would be a lot easier on me as I struggle to come up with unique & fresh content. I try to write everything myself and be very detailed when I do articles for the site, so it takes me longer than someone who may rely less on unique content or who has a pool of talent to pull from. The important thing for me is no matter what we do, that we never lower our standards and that I stay focused on what has been working.
We are looking forward to introducing some new features to the site and appreciate all of your feedback. I hope that you will continue to enjoy what we are doing and that you will welcome the new additions to the site as they come up.
The good news is that the search function is now available on the website and blog. You will notice the box is located to the left on all of our pages. Type in whatever you are looking for and just wait a little bit for the results to appear.
I hope this makes surfing my site a bit easier and thank you all for your invaluable feedback!