The MomAdvice Make-Ahead (Week 4)

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I hope you all had a great weekend! Since we had a wedding to attend last weekend and my daughter is starting her Nutcracker rehearsals, weekends are no longer working for me to get these meals ready for our week.

My make-ahead day has now moved to Wednesday (with a grocery day on Tuesday). Since I got started so late though, I had a hard time capturing a picture so I apologize for this week’s blurry image, but I hope you will find these make-ahead ideas inspiring!

Once again, we still have not dined out as a family and my husband & I only logged in one meal last week out so I am really thrilled how much this has improved our entertainment budget. Thanks to this great audiobook this week, I didn’t dread this task as much as other weeks, and moving this to a day while the kids are at school also helped it not feel so chaotic in the kitchen. Is it easy? No. Am I thankful all week long? You bet.

Approximate Time for Preparation- 4 hours plus clean-up! 

The MomAdvice Make-Ahead

Pulled Pork (had this in the slow cooker while I made the rest of the dishes)

Homemade Pizza Sauce (I stole one from our freezer this week!)

Pizza Dough (I bagged the dry ingredients for my homemade pizza)

Roasted Chicken (NEW TUTORIAL!! for salads & wraps)

Grapes (removed from the vine, but I didn’t rinse so they don’t get moldy!)

Brown Rice (four cups)- (NEW TUTORIAL!!)

Gluten-Free Chicken Noodle Soup

Italian Meatloaf (minus breadcrumbs for a gluten-free loaf, pulled this one from the freezer!)

Gluten-Free Meatballs

Caprese Pork Chops (marinated in pesto and sliced the mozzarella for topping)

Baked Hard Boiled Eggs

Brussels Sprouts (trimmed)- to be made into Oven Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Sliced Mushrooms & Green Beans (trimmed & stored in separate bags)- planning to roast them like this

Slow Cooker Chicken Italiano

Chopped Carrots & Celery (I store these in water)

Green Smoothie Packets (I use this recipe and froze the strawberries, bananas, and spinach in packets for the morning. This week I added some blueberries that were on sale!)

Meal Plan

Breakfasts- Green Smoothies or Hard Boiled Eggs & Fresh Fruit

Lunches- Leftovers or Hard Boiled Eggs, Chicken Wraps or Salads, Chicken Noodle Soup



Monday- Pulled Pork Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Fresh Fruit & Chopped Veggies


Tuesday- Caprese Pork Chops with Balsamic Roasted Green Beans & Mushrooms, and Brown Rice



Wednesday- Chicken Noodle Soup with Big Batch Grilled Cheese Sandwiches


Thursday- Homemade Pizza Night


Friday- Italian Meatloaf With Oven Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Saturday- SAYSFN (Seek and Ye Shall Find Night)

Sunday- SAYSFN (Seek and Ye Shall Find Night)

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I hope you enjoy this make-ahead feast inspiration! Happy Monday, friends!! xo

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Published October 12, 2015 by:

Amy Allen Clark is the founder of You can read all about her here.

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