Amy’s Notebook 01.28.15: The m challenge Focus on Health Syllabus

m-challengeNote: As a wrap-up of each month’s m challenge theme, we will be using the last Notebook of the month as a sort of “Cliffs Notes” edition of the challenge – a place where you can find a list of all the articles we’ve published for the challenge, as well as more inspiration and links from the web around the challenge theme. Our hope is that this will serve as a one stop shopping for the theme that you can refer to as well as catch up on in case you’ve missed anything!

January m challenge: Focus on Health


Healthy Links:

Stay in Shape via Living Well Spending Less

Source: Living Well Spending Less


Five smart ways to get motivated and stay in shape–without breaking the bank!

You’ll definitely find something to help you focus on health in this huge list of 101 ideas for simple, healthy changes.

25 exercise playlists – I can’t be without music in my workouts!

Great tips on how to get your energy back.

The only 12 exercises you need to get in shape.

22 simple ways to start eating healthier this year.

Healthy Lunch Ideas via Back to Her Roots

Source: Back to Her Roots


Healthy, easy, and quick lunch ideas.

32 healthy cooking tips for any level of cook!

11 DIY protein bar recipes.

How to shop healthy – the dos and don’ts for healthy grocery shopping.

12 healthy salad dressing recipes to jump start you to healthy eating in 2015.

Healthy smoothie recipes that are fast and easy.

18 mason jar salads – love these as a fun, healthy lunch idea!


I hope you enjoyed this notebook, a collection of gathered links all around our m challenge about focusing on our health. Nothing brings me more joy than to highlight other fabulous bloggers. Follow me on Pinterest for daily inspiration!


Published January 28, 2015 by:

Amy Allen Clark is the founder of You can read all about her here.

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