How to Make DIY Dishwasher Detergent

How to Make DIY Dishwasher Detergent from

“Would you like something to drink?” I ask my guest … and then cringe. Any hostess plagued with hard water knows the difficulties of keeping glassware tidy and dishes spot-free. It is a battle that has plagued me in every home that we have been in and twelve years after gutting and renovating our home, I know that it is a problem we will probably always struggle with since we are here to stay.

The problem is that I desire green cleaning solutions for our home and the green dish detergents I have used have not only been unsuccessful in helping me have spot-free dishes, but they have made it even worse, adding a film to everything that goes through the dishwasher. It’s not my dishwasher’s fault…it’s the products I use to try to get my dishes clean.

How to Make DIY Dishwasher Detergent from

In the past, I have tried mixing up my own dish detergent and it has only been mildly successful in our house. At first it works great and then over time, our problems seem to resume. The one product that I did discover this year that has helped us is called Lemi Shine and I have used it with great success over the years. I started thinking about how great it would be if I could combine the power of Lemi Shine with the dish detergent recipe that I knew and loved from years ago. How would these two perform together? The results may surprise you!

Head on over to the Kenmore blog today to snag this recipe for DIY Dish Detergent and hear how this one performed in our kitchen!

*This post may contain affiliate links. I only recommend what I love! 

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Published September 01, 2015 by:

Amy Allen Clark is the founder of You can read all about her here.

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